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Council Scholarship

Monterey County Leader's Council High School Scholarship 

Each year, the Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council may award up to 6 (six)  $1,000 scholarships to each qualified applicant who has demonstrated a commitment to one or more county leadership programs.


  1. Be a currently enrolled Monterey County 4-H Member. Able to provide all requested paperwork, on time.
  2. Be a high school graduating senior or not yet 19 years of age as of December 31st of the current 4-H program year.
  3. Have a minimum of five (5) years of enrollment in 4-H.
  4. Ability to provide proof of full-time enrollment to a post-high school educational facility within one (1) year of high school graduation after the scholarship application process and before scholarship award is received.
  5. Successful completion one of the following leadership opportunities:   County Ambassador     Camp Counselors   Council Youth Co-Officer    County Council committee chairs    Emerald Star   Council Fundraiser

      6. Member has made an effort to abide by the 4-H code of conduct and has overcome challenges during all years in the 4-H program.

When are Scholarships Awarded? After verification of full-time enrollment post-high school educational facility is returned to the 4-H Office, the scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient.  Scholarship awards will not be held beyond one school year of the award date.

For the 2023-2024 year:

Mo Co Scholarship cover page   start by filling out the Cover page. 

Mo Co Scholarship check list use the Scholarship Checklist to make sure you are ready to apply!

Mo Co Scholarship Essay Prompts   Here is the essay form.  You are welcome to write your essay on a separate form and then upload

Mo Co Scholarship Recommendation Form  Open and print the letter of recommendation form. Please provide to 2 required letters.   These are to be mailed to the 4-H offices using the instructions provided.

 Please use the outline of a 4-H resume from the Record Book Manual 


Please contact the 4-H offices if you have questions.