Register for the Prescribed firelighter and wildland firefighter training (FFT2)

Mar 4, 2022

Register for the Prescribed firelighter and wildland firefighter training (FFT2)

Mar 4, 2022

April 2 3rd  Prescribed firelighter and wildland firefighter training (FFT2)
The Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association (CCPBA) is going to be hosting a 2-day Prescribed Firelighter and Basic Wildland Firefighter Training on April 2 and 3. If you have never participated in a prescribed burn, but would like to, this is the class for you.

The announcement for this workshop went out to the CCPBA listserv on March 3 and 21 of 36 available spots have already been filled. We are saving 10 of these spots for local ranchers and farmers because we know you all aren't on your computers very much. So, if you try to register, but get a message that the class is full, please contact Jared Childress ( and let him know that you are a local ranchers/farmer and we'll see if we can get you in!

Dates and Location:
April 2nd and 3rd: Santa Lucia Conservancy, Carmel, Monterey Co

Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Cost: $20 (Scholarships available upon request, no one turned away due to lack of funds)

Learn the fundamentals of prescribed firelighting and wildland firefighting during this hands-on, two-day field training. This training will give you the building blocks to be a safe and effective participant in local Rx burns. By the end of the training, you will be prepared to participate in local, cooperative burns hosted by the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association ( and others! Skills acquired at the training include: fireline construction, fireline communications, Rx fire ignitions, operation of a firefighting pump, installation of a hose-lay, organization of a Rx burn and more.

If you do not have previous wildfire or prescribed fire experience, this two-day workshop will be a prerequisite for participation in many future CCPBA burns (so don't miss out)!

In addition, the two-day training can certify you as a Basic Wildland Firefighter 2 (NWCG FFT2), with pre-completion of online coursework plus an “Arduous pack-test” prior to attending the in-person field day (note: online course work is not necessary if you will not be seeking a FFT2 cert). FFT2 certification is recognized by most fire departments and the federal fire services (USFS, NPS, BLM). Also, the FFT2 certification will qualify you to participate in future, regional Rx fire Training Exchanges (TREX) and some local fire district burns. Let us know if you are interested in that option. Note: the on-line course work takes about 40 hours and the Arduous pack-test is walking 3 miles with a 45 lbs pack in under 45 minutes on flat ground.

Register at:

For questions contact Jared Childress (

CC PBA is a project of UCCE San Benito and RCD of Monterey County with funding from CAL FIRE

By Devii R. Rao
Author - San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor