275 Main St. Suite 100
CropManage is a free online decision-support tool for water and nutrient management of vegetables, berries, agronomic, and tree crops. Based on research and field studies conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension, CropManage provides real-time recommendations for efficient and timely irrigation and fertilization applications while maintaining or improving overall yield. Learn more by clicking here.
At this free workshop, we will provide step-by-step hands-on training so that you can learn to use the newest version of CropManage. CropManage is also available in Spanish. Assistance and translation in Spanish will be available.
A new feature of this workshop is “drop-in” office hours for those already familiar with CropManage. If you prefer not to attend the full program but need advanced assistance or have specific questions, join us at 2:00 pm. We will be ready to help answer your questions and explore advanced topics.
To register for this event - go to: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=44228