Jan 9, 2020 | View All Issues
January 7th, 2020
Dear Monterey County 4-H volunteers,
The planning process for our Monterey County 4-H Camp McCandless 2020 is underway. Once again, we will be setting up camp at Camp MayMac, located near Scotts Valley. This camp features a full kitchen, swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hiking trails and cabins and much more. This year’s dates are June 14th -19t, 2020.
ALL adult volunteers will use an online application registration to be a part of the camp committee. Once the application period closes we will notify the adults who will be a part of the site team. The online application link can be found here: http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29153
Returning adult volunteers must be complete in 4honline by February 8th as the system will remove “inactive” volunteers! This means you will need to start the 4-H adult volunteer process all over again. The 4-H office is open to help adults by appointment. Please call Jessica Rodriguez in the 4-H office at 831-759-7373 for phone or in person help. The steps to re-enroll are listed on page 2 of this letter.
Our Camp Committee planning meetings usually take place on the last Mondays of the month at 6:00pm at 1432 Abbot St. This meeting is open to all enrolled 4-H members and enrolled adult volunteers as a way to share information about our camp program, the role of the teen counselor and adult volunteers.
Plus, we will have time set aside to discuss suggestions on ways to improve the quality of our local camp program and fundraising opportunities. Our donation letter can be found on the county 4-H website under the Camp tab.
We welcome your ideas and continued support of the Monterey County 4-H summer camp.
Thank you for
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