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4-H News Notes

Provides current information for the 4-H Youth Development Program in Monterey County ages 5-19, including important deadlines, policies, and events.

Issue Articles Type Date Added
4-H Leader's Council Meeting February 22, 2025

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.    This is an in-person meeting at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.

Of importance, ALL clubs with a Fantastic Field Day committee are to attend a planning session at 6:30pm

Click here to review the February Meeting agenda

Click here to review January, 2025 meeting minutes

Click here to review the January 2025 Council  Financials 

See you then!

PDF 2/11/25
4-H Leader's Council Meeting January 21st, 2025

On Tuesday, January 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be a ZOOM! 

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the Council’s meetings that include discussion and planning for the local program. Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the   January 2025 Meeting agenda

Click here to review November meeting minutes 2024

Click here to review the Treasure’s Report December 2024


Topic: Monterey County Leaders Council meeting

Time: 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635


One tap mobile

+16694449171,,97568061578# US

Dial by your location

  • +1 669 444 9171 US
  • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578


Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/acU5z3Z32Q

PDF 1/17/25
4-H Leader's Council Meeting November 19, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. The location will be in the large Conference room, 1432 Abbott Street.     

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of special interest this month,  the County Ambassadors will hold an informational session on what is 4-H Service Learning at 6:30pm.  Clubs that did not complete their service learning Charter requirement last year are required to attend.   An Officer, Officer Adviser, Parent, Volunteer, or Club leader may attend.   Refreshments will be served.

Click here to review the November meeting agenda

Click here to review the October Council Minutes

Click here to review the Council Financial Report

Thank you!

PDF 11/12/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting October 15, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 15, there will be a Council starting at 7pm.  This will be held inside the Orradre Building at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, all committees serving the February Fantastic Field Day are to meet at 6:30 to begin planning with the Council officers.  A dinner will be provided.   

 Click here to review the October meeting Agenda

Click here to view the Council Treasury report  *file403197* 

Click here to review the  September Minutes 2024

Thank you

PDF 10/9/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting September 17th, 2024


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

4-H Leader’s Council meeting is scheduled for September 17th at 7pm.  The location will be  the Ag Conference center at 1432 Abbott st, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Click here to review the September 17 agenda

Click here to review  August 20204 Meeting minutes

Click here to review the Council Financial reports

Thank you,

PDF 9/10/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting August 20, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 20th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location is via ZOOM. See info below

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the Council  August meeting agenda

Click here to review the  July meeting minutes

Click here to review the Council's  July report

 Be sure all volunteers are subscribing to this Newsletter! 

Zoom meeting: https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/97568061578?pwd=aFg2VFF3NWthOGRPaEdyNVNHNnVkQT09

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635


PDF 8/13/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting July 16, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,


On Tuesday, July 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the large Conference room, 1432 Abbott Street.     


All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.


At 6pm, there will be a training session for all clubs who are volunteering for the Council’s fundraiser – the  Fair Country Store inside the Agricultural building during the Monterey County Fair.  (sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F044EAFA82FA0FD0-monterey1#/)


At 6:30pm, there will be a delegate meeting for all teens who are attending the State Leadership Conference, July 26-28.  Details on transportation, council funds, chaperones and trinkets will be shared.

Click here to review the  July meeting agenda

Click here to review June Council minutes

Click here to review the  June Council Financial report

Click here to review the proposed Calendar for 2024-2025

PDF 7/9/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting June 18, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Large Conference room at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

Doors will open at 6pm for a Council committee planning session.  Please bring your proposed committee dates, the youth Chair and or adult chair, and your questions.  At the business meeting, The 2024-2025 Budget will be presented for a vote, the nominations for Council Co-Officers will be presented, the draft of the 2024-2025 Council and Program calendar will be reviewed, the results of Council Committee meeting will be shared and the Club Leaders will be recognized for year-end.

Click here to review the meeting agenda  June meeting agenda 2024

Click here to review the  April Meeting minutes

Click here to review the Financial reports:

May report 2024

April report 2024

Thank you all.

PDF 6/11/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting April 16th, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 16th the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held at the Ag Conference center at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.  All clubs need to have a representative at the meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

Nominations for Youth Co-Officers are now open. Any 4-H member or volunteer can nominate a teen (ages 14-18) to hold a Council office for the 2024-2025 year. check out the Google nomination form:   https://forms.gle/jYPyMNnxckLL52L78 

The membership can review the 2024-2025 Council Committees with the Council President at 6pm.  Council Committee draft 2024-2025

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2024-2025 budget at 6:30 pm.  The volunteers and members are invited to give their input.

The  Council club Committees for the 2024-2025 will be allocated.

Click here to review the  April Council agenda

Click here to review the March meeting minutes

Click here to review the March Financial Report

Thank you for supporting the 4-H Leaders Council

PDF 4/9/24
4-H Leaders Council meeting, March 19th, 2024

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.   The location will be inside the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and, take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

At 6:30pm the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2024-2025 budget lead by the Treasurer.    An enchilada dinner will be provided for those who attend.

The proposed 2024-2025 Council Committees are in draft form and the  comment period is open.  If you are unable to attend, All comments, suggestions and additions can be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901. 

See attached March 19th, 2024 meeting agenda

Click here to review the February Meeting Minutes

Click here to review the February Treasury report

Click here to preview the Draft Council committees 2-24-2025

Each club is to send a representative to all council meetings. A great deal of information and democratic decision making takes place for all youth in the local program. 

PDF 3/12/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting February 20th, 2024

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.    This is an in-person meeting at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.

Of special interest this month, there will be a guided conversation regarding 4-H Youth Leadership opportunities at 6pm called a "Think Tank".  See flyer

During the Council meeting, there will be a special presentation regarding funding needs. You can review the presentation prior to the meeting here: Funding Presentation 2024

Click here to review the February 2024 meeting  Agenda

Click here to review January 2024 Meeting minutes

Click here to review the January 2024 Council Treasury Report

PDF 2/16/24
4-H Leader's Council Meeting January 16th, 2024

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the large Conference room, 1432 Abbott Street. 


All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the Council’s meetings that include discussion and planning for the local program. Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.


Of special interest this month, a Fantastic Field Day committee meeting will be held at 6pm for the clubs who are hosting activities.

The recently elected Council officers will run the meeting. The youth co-officers will be introduced and installed.

Click here to review the  January 2024 Agenda

Click here to review  November 2023 meeting minutes

Click here to review the  Treasure's report December 20203

PDF 1/12/24
4-H Task Force Council membership update

Dear 4-H Community, 

The recently formed 4-H Task Force met on October 5th to take part in an informative presentation and discussion about the future of adult leadership in Monterey County. 

There were nine volunteers present on the Zoom guided by the Academic Coordinator from the 4-H State Office, Gemma Miner, and, the Statewide 4-H Director, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty. 

Attached is the Presentation that was provided.

Presentation slides

A report to all club leaders who attended the October 17th Community meeting included the following:


  • Plans to solicit officers to fill the Executive Committee at the October community meeting 
  • Nominate Senior Youth to meet bylaw requirements in the future 
  • Follow current bylaws and follow nominations protocol for the approval process including an Interview by the 4-H Program Representative and 4-H Regional Coordinator later in October 
  • Complete the Nomination process at the November meeting to meet quorum requirements 
  • The Task Force will continue to explore other management methods to see what is best for our 4-H Community 

See Task Force Report

The open positions are President, 1st vice president, 2nd vice president, and a Reporter/Historian.  While adults have stepped forward, we will keep the opportunity open through the month.  

If you or, anyone you know would be interested in serving on the council executive committee, start by filling out this Council officer application link: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=40721

PDF 10/25/23
4-H Community meeting October 17th, 6:30
he 4-H Community meeting will be held on October 17th at 6:30 at the Salinas Ag Conference center.  This will be similar to a council meeting just without voting.  We start at 6:30pm.
Just like a council meeting, Clubs that are hosting upcoming committees are to give reports, members are welcome to give reports and refreshments will be served. The program is moving forward while we are in between volunteer leadership.
Of particular interest, the recently formed Task Force will give an update on their findings. Currently, they are asking for interested volunteers to fill positions on the council board.  The plan is to hold nominations on Tuesday night. Please see previous email from the Task Force.
Attached is the Treasury report, the approved Council bylaws, the meeting agenda, and the Council officer descriptions.
thank you all,
PDF 10/13/23
4-H Leader's Council September Meeting - postponed

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

4-H Leader’s Council meeting scheduled for September 19th has been postponed due to scheduling conflicts.

An alternative date will be issued when more information becomes available.

Club leaders will receive a memo with the updated Program information that would have been issued on Tuesday.

Thank you

PDF 9/15/23
4-H Leader's Council Meeting August 15th, 2023

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 15th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Ag Conference center, 1432 Abbott St.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the August Council meeting agenda

Click here to review July Meeting minutes

Click here to review the Council's Financial report


PDF 8/11/23
4-H Leader's Council Meeting July 18, 2023


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be inside  the large Conference room, 1432 Abbott Street.     

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

All clubs are to have a representative at a Council meeting.

Of special interest this month, there will be a Meet and Greet mixer at 6:30 to meet the new Council officers and the incoming Club Leaders for the new Program year.  There will be light refreshments and name tags for the first meeting of the year.

The officer positions of 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President are still open.  Please encourage  adults both outside nad inside the 4-H organization to apply here:     https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=40721


Click here for July agenda //ucanr.edu/sites/uccemontereycounty/files/386334.pdf

Click here Meeting minutes June 2023 meeting minutes

Click here for the June Financial report  //ucanr.edu/sites/uccemontereycounty/files/386338.pdf

Click here for the  Approved 2023-2024 budget



PDF 7/14/23
4-H Leader's Council Meeting June 20, 2023

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Large Conference room at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The 2023-2024 Budget will be presented for a vote.

The 2023-2024 Council Bylaws will be presented for a vote

Nominations and voting for  2023-2024 Council Officers will be presented. The Council is still in need of a treasurer and a 2nd Vice President.

Click here to review the meeting agenda

Click here to review the  April meeting minutes

The proposed budget and monthly financials will be provided at the June meeting

PDF 6/16/23
4-H Leaders Council Meeting, April 18th, 2023

Dear members of the Monterey county 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 18th , the  4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in the Long Branch Saloon.

All 4-H families are invited to participate in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2023-2024 budget at 6:30 pm.  The volunteers and members are invited to give their input.

The  Council Committees for the 2023-2024 year will be announced based on input from the club membership. 

Click here to review April Agenda

Click here to review the March meeting minutes

Click here to review the Proposed Council Bylaws  

Click here to review the proposed Council Constitution

Click here to review Council Committees by club

Click here to review the Council Officer Positions for 2023-2024

PDF 4/14/23
4-H Leader's Council Meeting February 21st, 2023

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.    This is an in-person meeting at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the February 2023 meeting agenda

Click here to review January 2023 meeting  minutes

Thank you for supporting the 4-H Leader's Council.

PDF 2/17/23
4-H Leader's Council January 17th, meeting 2023

Dear 4-H families,

DUE TO POTENTIAL FLOODING ALONG THE SALINAS RIVER AND DANGEROUS DRIVING CONDITIONS, THE MEETING WILL NOT BE IN PERSON.  On Tuesday, January 17h, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting location will be via Zoom.  See link below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of special interest this month, those members who are signed up for the Bay Coast Youth Summit are to attend the annual planning meeting at 6:30.  (on ZOOM)  Please have a parent or guardian present.

All club committees are to report on the activities planned for the annual Fantastic Field Day set on February 4th in King City.

Click here to review the January 2023 Agenda meeting agenda

Click here to review the  October minutes and November Council minutes  meeting minutes

Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: Monterey County Leaders Council meeting



Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,97568061578# US

+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

        +1 669 444 9171 US

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/acU5z3Z32Q

PDF 1/13/23
4-H Leader's Council Meeting November 15, 2022


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 15th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be via ZOOM.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Click here to review the November meeting agenda

Click here to review the October meeting minutes

Click here to review the Council's Financial reports


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile  +16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

PDF 11/10/22
4-H Leader's Council Meeting October 18, 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 18, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  This will be held inside the Orradre Building at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the  October 2022 Meeting agenda

Click here to review the August 2022 Council minutes

Click here to review the  September 2022 Council Meeting minutes

Reminder, members, volunteers and families are encouraged to support the Leader's Council. This non-profit arm of the 4-H Program raises funds and plans activities for the local youth. Ideas, opportunities, and or long-range plans may be directed to the Council Officers prior to meetings by a phone call or email letter.  Your positive input is valued and will be addressed in a timely manner.  Thank you.


PDF 10/14/22
4-H Leader's Council September 20th meeting 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 20th the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  This will be an in-person meeting at the Ag Conference room, 1432 Abbot St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the September Council Agenda


Thank you

PDF 9/16/22
4-H Leaders Council meeting, August 16th, 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 16th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Ag Conference center, 1432 Abbott St.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the Council  meeting agenda  4-H August Council Agenda

Click here to review the July meeting minutes  July Council meeting minutes

Click here to review the July Council  financial report

 All 4-H Community Clubs are required to attend 80% of the Council meetings. Please send a representative. 

PDF 8/12/22
4-H Leaders Council meeting July 19th, 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,


On Tuesday, July 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the large Conference room, 1432 Abbott Street.     This is an in-person meeting.


All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the July 2022  Meeting agenda  

Click here to review the June 2022  Meeting minutes


PDF 7/15/22
4-H Leader's Council June 21st meeting 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Large Conference room at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The 2022-2023 Council Budget will be presented for a vote.

The 2022-2023 Council Bylaws will be presented for a vote

Nominations and voting for the 2022-2023 Council Officers will be presented

Click here to review the meeting agenda June 2022

Click here to review the  April meeting minutes 2022

The proposed budget and monthly financials will be provided at the June meeting

PDF 6/17/22
4-H Leaders Council meeting April 19, 2022

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 19th the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2022-2023 budget at 6:00 pm.  The volunteers and members are invited to give their input.

at 6:30 the Expansion and Review Committee will give an update on their efforts and provide insight to the clubs planning for the 2022-2023 enrollment season. 

All clubs are to select their Council Committee for the 2022-2023 year based upon input from the club membership.  Club representatives should be prepared to select their top options.

Click here to review the April Leaders Council agenda

Click here to review the March 2022 Coucil meeting minutes

Council financials  will be provided at the meeting

PDF 4/15/22
4-H Leader's Council March 15th, 2022

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.   The location will beat 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

At 6:30pm the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2022-2023 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will be reviewed for budgeting for the next year.

At 6:30pm, there will be a presentation regarding the 2022-2023 Council Committees.  Again, Club Leaders or volunteers who may be responsible for selecting the club’s committee in April should attend.

If you are unable to attend, All comments, suggestions and additions can be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901. 

Click here to review the March 15th,  Leaders Council March meeting agenda 2022

Click here to review the February meeting minutes 2022

click here to review December 2021 treasure's report

Click here to review the January 2022 treasure's report

Click here to review the February treasure's report

Click here for the 4-H Presentation Event 2022 re-opens

Dear 4-H Community,


The Monterey County 4-H Presentation Event will re-open the online registration to add members who had difficulty in registering.   This is a virtual event and has a variety of dates.


All clubs are still to provide Adult and Junior evaluators (judges) through the online registration.  Each club is asked to provide 1 adult judge and 1 junior judge for every 4 presentations.  (or 2 adults judges) Clubs with less than 4 presentations are asked to provide one adult judge.  Sign up here: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=36571


Only those clubs who respond by providing the required judges now thru Monday, March 7th will be allowed to register members.  The link to register members will be issued after Monday, March 7th.


Virtual Presentation dates options are:


Saturday March 12 10-2pm                Sunday, March 13th 10-2pm

Monday, March 14th 4-6pm                Saturday, March 19th 10-2pm

Sunday, March 20th 10- 2pm              Saturday, March 26th 10-2pm


For additional information, or, to ask questions, please contact the 4-H county offices

PDF 3/4/22
4-H Leader's Council January 15th, meeting 2022

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  this will be virtual. See link below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the February 15th, 2022  Meeting agenda

Click here to review January 2022 meeting  Minutes

Click here to review the January financials

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


PDF 2/11/22
4-H Leader's Council January 18th, meeting 2022 PDF 1/14/22
4-H Leader's Council November 16th meeting 2021


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 16th  the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Spreckels Memorial Building.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest this month:  The Youth Council members will take an active role in running the meeting.  Please be supportive.


In addition, the Council officers have requested that the clubs with Winter and early Spring committees present possible ideas in which the events Please be prepared to give a committee report.

Click here to review the  November 2021 Agenda

Click here to review the October 2021 Meeting Minutes

PDF 11/12/21
4-H Leader's Council September 21, meeting 2021

On Tuesday, September 21 the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 6:30pm.  This will be an in-person meeting.  The Location is the Indian Springs Equestrian center at 22440 Indian Spring Road, Salinas.  Now known as the Connections Boarding Stables.  This meeting is to be held outdoors so please dress warm and bring your own camp chair.  There is parking along with restrooms.  Those that can arrive at 6pm will enjoy socializing time.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

An ongoing conversation regarding COVID 19 safety practices, member and volunteer expectations, upcoming events and UCANR materials will take place. 

Click here to review the September meeting agenda

Click here to review the August Council minutes

Click here to review the Council  August Financial report  

Click here to review the Leaders Council budget that will be amended by a vote Council budget update

Proposed budget update 

DOCX 9/17/21
4-H Leader's Council August 17th meeting 2021

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 17th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Spreckels Memorial Building in Spreckels.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Face coverings/masks are required at indoor meetings.

Click here to review the August Council Agenda

Click here to review July meeting minutes

Click here to review the 2021-2022 Council Bylaws

PDF 8/13/21
4-H Leader's Council August 17th meeting 2021

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 17th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Spreckels Memorial Building in Spreckels.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Face coverings/masks are required at indoor meetings.

Click here to review the August Council Agenda

Click here to review July meeting minutes

Click here to review the 2021-2022 Council Bylaws

PDF 8/13/21
4-H Leaders Council meeting, JUly 20th

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,


On Tuesday, July 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Spreckels Veterans Memorial Building, 90 fifth Street.     This is an in-person meeting.


All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.


Of particular interest this month –  At 6pm there will be a Social hour.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

Click here to review the  July Agenda

Click here to review the  June meeting minutes

Click here to review the  June Council financials  

PDF 7/16/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review April Meeting minutes

Click here to review April 2021 financials

Click here to review May 2021 financials

Click here to review  2021-2022 Proposed Council budget

PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review April Meeting minutes

Click here to review 

Click here to review May 2021 financials

Click here to review  2021-2022 Proposed Council budget

PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review April Meeting minutes

Click here to review April 2021 financials

Click here to review 

Click here to review  2021-2022 Proposed Council budget

PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review April Meeting minutes

Click here to review April 2021 financials


PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review April Meeting minutes


PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review  June Council meeting agenda

Click here to review the April meeting minutes

PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council June 15th, meeting 2021

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. This in-person meeting will be at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, 395 Old Natividad Rd, Salinas, CA 93902. Although the California Governor is expected to announce COVID related safety updates on that day, the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources will also announce updates on this topic.  Please bring a face covering to this meeting.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

At 6pm there will be a Social hour and team-building event.  Club leaders and volunteers are encouraged to come and enjoy refreshments.

The 2021-2022 Budget will be presented for a vote.

Click here to review the meeting agenda 

Click here to review the April meeting minutes

PDF 6/11/21
4-H Leader's Council April 21st, 2021


Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 20th the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held via a zoom call.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2021-2022 budget at 6:30pm.  The membership is invited to give their input.   Use the same Zoom call link.

All clubs are to select their Council Committee for the 2021-2022 year based upon input from the club membership.  See the attached choices.

Click here to review the Council meeting agenda April 20th Council agenda

Click here to review the Council financials   March financials

Proposed 2021-2022 Council Budget

2021-2022 Council Committees

Monterey County Leaders Council meeting Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/acU5z3Z32Q


PDF 4/16/21
4-H Animal Field Day, April 24th, 2021

Hello 4-H families,

The annual 4-H Animal Field Day will be held virtually on Saturday, April 24th, 2021 starting at 9am.  See attached flyer.   The registration link is: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=33546

 This event brings experienced speakers and creates a valuable educational session for your 4-H members.   You are strongly encouraged to make this event a livestock Project meeting in which members can learn about any number of topics.   This day will include Swine, sheep, beef, and rabbits.

To clarify, to make this a 4-H Project meeting with educational hours that count towards Project Completion,  a 4-H livestock Project  Leader or Co-Leader must be at the event as well.  Please take attendance as you normally would during this virtual event.  In regards to instructional hours, a leader would count the time spent on the appropriate species topic that is related to your project.  For the Veterinary Science projects, all hours could be counted.

For these events to be used a “make-up” meeting, a Project Leader or Co-Leader would need to be present and attendance is taken.

The Chualar 4-H club is the Animal Field Day hosting club and will provide all registration support.

If you need additional information on the Animal Field Day or other 4-H matters, please contact the 4-H offices at 759-7386.

PDF 4/5/21
4-H Leader's Council Scholarship 2020-2021

Hello 4-H Community,

The Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council is pleased to offer a post high school scholarship to graduating 4-H members who have made the 4-H Youth Program a part of their lives through their focused work.

Criteria and qualifications include - being a current and enrolled member of 4-H, plan on studying at a college, vocational school or Military school, can provide a  4-H resume that documents their years with county leadership positions held and has held at least one of the following County level leadership positions:

  1. County All Stars
  2. County Teen Ambassadors (no longer available as of 2018-2019)
  3. Camp Counselor
  4. Youth Council member
  5. County Council Committee chair
  6. Emerald Star recipient


This year, the Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council will award up to six (6) scholarships of $1,000 each. The Leaders Council scholarship application is now posted on the 4-H website: http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Leaders_Council/Council_Scholarship/

 It is open now through May 7th, 2021.

This is a competitive process and those members with the highest scores will receive the award. If your younger members are setting their future 4-H goals, please check out the options to hold a county level leadership position. Please share with your 4-H members who are graduating High School members.

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H Program.

PDF 4/2/21
4-H Monterey County COVID Safety update March

COVID-19 Information for 4-H Programs and Volunteers

University of California 4-H Youth Development Program modified its safety standards related to reopening and engaging in person.

UC ANR implemented Basic Safety Standards that must be followed for all in-person activities. These Basic Safety Standards are minimum requirements for conducting 4-H programs. You must also follow additional guidelines specified by your county if they are more restrictive.

All in-person 4-H meetings or programs involving the participation of 4-H volunteers, families and members requires prior approval from UCCE personnel (4-H program staff, 4-H Youth Development Advisor, and/or County Director).

Any unauthorized in-person activities will not be covered by the UC insurance and may not be included in 4-H record books. Corrective actions will be taken if 4-H volunteers or families host or participate in any unauthorized in-person 4-H activities.

Please note that while in-person gatherings may be allowed, some families may not feel comfortable meeting in-person. You may still need to plan for remote participation.

Monterey County has entered the Red Tier as outlined in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/  Adult volunteers, parents and youth members are to follow the in-person meeting requirements outline on the attached Occupancy Table as well as using the forms listed below.

The detailed information can be found here: https://ucanr.edu/sites/UC4-HResources/In-person_meetings/#basicsafetystandards

PDF 3/19/21
4-H Leader's Council March 16th, meeting 2021

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7 pm.   The location will be via Zoom. See link below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, at 6:00 pm, the King City Rural Club will provide a youth-led presentation on 4-H Service Learning. This is the club’s 2021 committee. Please have youth officers, members, and leaders attend.   

At 6:30 pm Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2020-2021 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will also be reviewed for budgeting for the next year. All comments, suggestions, and additions can be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.  Or, members and volunteers can attend the review meeting.

 Click here to review the March 16th, 2021 meeting agenda  //ucanr.edu/sites/uccemontereycounty/files/346705.pdf

Click here to review the February 2021 Meeting minutes

Click to review the proposed 2021-22 Council Committees in google docs   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e-TSo2PKYabAOsNe2SS3AvbjGH49m_g6eqMIxYQwlyY/edit



PDF 3/12/21
4-H Interview Contest, April 17 & 18th

Dear 4-H Community,


The 4-H Interview Contest is finally here!   This will be hosted virtually by the Carmel Valley Club on April 17 & 18th, 2021.  Our local members will be an able to  plan, practice take part in the life skills of completing a job interview that will last a lifetime!


4-H Members will be able to enter in age-appropriate categories and select a job they would like to interview for.  This traditional contest includes a manual that may be downloaded and/or printed from the California 4-H website at : http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/51307.pdf .  Use pages 1-12.  You will also find all the rules to the contest,  along with checklists, tips and ideas.


The goals of this 4-H event are to build confidence, critical thinking,  effective verbal communication evaluation skills and so much more  Members will complete a resume and a cover letter prior to the virtual event that matches the job they wish to apply for. The interview panel will evaluate the member’s forms and virtual live interview while on the call. They will provide productive feedback to the members at later date.


Members 9 years and up are judged using the Danish System of Judging (Gold, Blue and Red seal). Everyone participating will receive comment sheets from the judges to help them improve their skills.  This is not a qualifying event to take part at the virtual State Field Day but it is a contest at a county level that can be counted in a Record Book and will include awards.


Registration for the 4-H Interview Contest is an online registration!   http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=28771 This must be completed by March 29th, 20

PDF 3/5/21
4-H Fashion Revue contest open thru March 21st


The Monterey County 4-H Fashion Revue contest is set for Saturday, April 17th.   It will be held as a virtual event.  The theme this year will be "Shop it, Make it, Wear it!".


There are 5 different categories in which members can participate in:

The Traditional Category

Retro/Vintage Inspired Challenge

Consumer Science $40.00 Limit  - no sewing skills needed!

Box Challenge

NEW! Cosplay


Note - The Consumer Science and Cosplay  Category are for people who have bought their ensembles at a store.  No sewing is required!. There are 3 different age groups for each category.  


This activity has been a part of the 4-H program for many years and has evolved to meet current youth abilities.  Participating encourages youth to build their creative thinking, planning skills and public speaking abilities.


You can see the complete list of Fashion Revue categories and rules at:  http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/SFD/SFR/ .  Through this qualifier contest, our local Program can send up to 15 members to State Fashion Revue   Cloverbuds may also participate in Monterey County Fashion Revue, but will only receive participation certificates.


The 4-H Fashion Revue contest can be counted in member’s record book as an event attended. Contest participants may also be able to claim credit for communication skills and projects exhibited.

          Any 4-H member interested in the Fashion Revue contest can find the online registration on the Monterey County Website or register here:  4-H Leader's Council February 16th, meeting 2021

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held on ZOOM. (see info below)

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Of particular interest this month: The Program Representative will hold an educational session on 4-H Service Learning. Youth officers, Officer Advisors, and Club Leaders are encouraged to attend so they can plan their yearly, required, Service Learning club effort as listed in the Program Planning Guide. This will be a lively Powerpoint with examples, checklists, a manual,  resources, and more.  This will take place at 6pm on the same zoom link.

Click here to review the February meeting agenda

Click here to review January 2021 minutes

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


PDF 2/12/21
4-H Presentation Event 2021

January 10, 2021


Dear 4-H Community,


The Monterey County Presentation Event is considered one of the most important events of the year for our local 4-H members.  The planning and practicing begins now to develop 4-H public speaking skills that will last a lifetime.


Due to the COVID 19 pandemic,  this county-wide event will be organized to be a safe, virtual event with multiple dates and time options to choose from.  The Gonzales and Lockwood 4-H clubs will be hosting the event.


The 4-H Presentation Manual was revised in November 2020 with significant updates – including virtual tips. This current and correct version can be found at http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/2193.pdf   This manual may be downloaded and/or printed from the California 4-H website. You will find all styles of presentations that can be given along with checklists, tips, ideas and rules.


NEW! Members who receive either Gold or Blue seal will move forward to the Sectional competition! Members are strongly encouraged to relate the presentation to their current 4-H project work or 4-H activities.  All members from 5-19 years can participate in Presentation Night. The primary members ages 5- 8 will receive participation certificates only.

Registration for County Presentation Night for presenters is now an online registration! 

http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=32795 This must be completed by February 19th, 2021. 


All clubs are still to provide Adult and Junior evaluators (judges) through the online registration.  Each club is asked to provide 1 adult judge and 1 junior j

PDF 1/21/21
4-H Leader's Council meeting, January 19, 2021

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be via Zoom

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest this month – An emphasis on clubs holding an Officer Mid year review will be shared. And ways to update important club documents or budgets due to COVID.

Click here to review the meeting agenda  //ucanr.edu/sites/uccemontereycounty/files/342842.pdf

Click here to review November 2020 meeting minutes  //ucanr.edu/sites/uccemontereycounty/files/342845.pdf

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578
Passcode: 552635
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,97568061578# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578
Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/acU5z3Z32Q


PDF 1/15/21
4-H COVID Program update 12-10-20

Hello 4-H Community,

The 4-H Program, both locally and across the state, has been impacted by the COVID 19 virus.  The “Shelter in Place” order has returned for Monterey County residents.  The California State 4-H office is requiring that 4-H in-person meetings do not take place during this time.

The Shelter in Place requirements and rules are slightly different for business, schools and organizations than it was in March, 2020. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the 4-H Program.

As of December 13th, members and volunteers in 4-H clubs can no longer meet in- person until the Shelter in Place order is lifted on January 11th, 2021.

Please do NOT require or ask members to meet in person to complete fundraising, community service, officer meetings, or project work during this time. These planned events/meetings do not have to be canceled but all gatherings must be virtual. If the club was taking part of any type of holiday-related in-person gathering under the 4-H name, this now cannot happen.

A number of Club Leaders and Project Leaders have used a variety of ways to help members reach their 4-H project educational hours through using instruction through phone calls, “face time” instructions, online and or activity pages, photographs, study guides, written tests and so on.

If you need additional support to make these choices for your project members, need help with reaching out to members, want to test other educational ideas or, you are concerned the youth cannot complete their hours that you are offering, please contact me through email at the 4-H office.

The Monterey County Leaders Council is currently working to make the annual early spring events such as Fantastic Field Day, Animal Field day and Bowl a Rama  as virtual events. If your family is a member in one of these hosting clubs, please ask how you can help out!  These county-

PDF 12/10/20
4-H Leader's Council November 17th meeting 2020

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 17th the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be via Zoom. A training session on Service-Learning will take place at 6pm using the same ZOOM link.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest this month: The Program Representative will hold an educational session on 4-H Service Learning. Youth officers, Officer Advisors, and Club Leaders are encouraged to attend so they can plan their yearly, required, Service Learning club effort as listed in the Program Planning Guide. This will be a lively Powerpoint with examples, checklists, a manual,  resources and more.  This will take place at 6pm on the same zoom link.

In addition, the Council officers have requested that the clubs with Winter and early Spring committees present possible ideas in which the events can be completed virtually due to COVID 19.  Please be prepared to give a committee report.

Click here to review the November 2020 agenda

Click here to review  August minutes 2020

 Click here to review October meeting minutes  October meeting minutes 2020


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 975 6806 1578

Passcode: 552635

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,97568061578# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location


PDF 11/13/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting, October 20th, 2020

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 120th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  This will be via ZOOM.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, The 4-H Statewide Director, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, will join the meeting virtually to discuss the importance of Outreach efforts by each club as it pertains to the 4-H Program.

 Click here to review the meeting agenda October 20, 2020

Click here to review the September minutes  September meeting minutes

Click here to review the September council financial  September report

September budget worksheet

Topic: 4-H Council October  meeting

Time: Oct 20, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 917 2400 8098

Passcode: 436939

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,91724008098# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 917 2400 8098

Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/asjrBMEHD

PDF 10/16/20
4-H Camp Teen Counselors applications open

Hello 4-H community,

The Monterey County 4-H Camp program, Camp McCandless, will be held at Camp MayMac in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  This site features a full kitchen, swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hiking trails and cabins and much more.  This year’s dates are June 13th-18th, 2021.

Camp Counselors and Camp Teen Staff applications are now available on the 4-H Monterey County website and must be filled out and returned by  November 6th at 4pm at the Monterey County 4-H office, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.   Interviews will be held Monday, November 16th beginning location TBD.

There are two opportunities for teens to apply for – Teen Counselor and Teen Camp Staff .  Please see the application, letters of recommendation and contract on the County website.  http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Camp_McCandless_663/ 

The process to be accepted as a teen counselor has additional parameters included in the application process. These take place before and during the camp program year. Please review these carefully before committing.  You can find the applications

In addition to teens, the Camp Committee is reaching out to increase the camp committee participation with our volunteer staff.  This need is essential and vital to ensure a sustainable adult camp team and  leadership for the future.

See the attached letter for more information.

PDF 10/2/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting, Sept 22, 2020

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 22nd, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be a ZOOM call.  A “waiting room” has been established https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/91338105479?pwd=Sm1jNTdGR2NXVlQ0NFR6OHorZGdjUT09

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

An ongoing conversation regarding COVID 19 safety practices, member and volunteer expectations, upcoming events and UCANR materials will take place. 

Click here to review the meeting agenda Sept. 22, 2020

PDF 9/18/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting postponed due to fires


 the regularly scheduled September Council meeting has been postponed. The new meeting date will be Tuesday, September 22nd at 7pm.  This will be a ZOOM meeting.   An agenda will be sent out next week.

The Council officers believe that the disruption of the past and current wildfires have placed a burden on the local 4-H families.   Please take care of your families and stay safe. 

if you have questions, ideas, or immediate needs, please contact the 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.

DOC 9/11/20
4-H Leaders Council Meeting, August 18th, 2020

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. The location will be a ZOOM meeting. See link below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Plans for the annual 4-H Achievement Night are underway. Please be watching for more details!

Of special interest this month, a special meeting to discuss meaningful Community Service options for 4-H clubs and members during the pandemic.  Please invite club families that are passionate about community service and be prepared to share your ideas, resources, contacts and past experiences with others who are interested. Use the same zoom link and join at 6pm. We can all “pledge our hands to larger service” – especially now.

Two council officer positions remain open and must be filled soon, please consider a nomination at this meeting.

Click here to review the August 2020 Council  meeting agenda

June 2020 meeting minutes will be provided

Click here for the July Financial July report

ZOOM link – remember, there will be a waiting room. Please have your correct name and have your camera on (if using laptop)   so you can be identified and quickly admitted. Topic: 4-H Leaders Council meeting August 18th, 2020

Time: Aug 14, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


PDF 8/14/20
4-H Leader's Council Meeting, July, 2020

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held virtually on ZOOM. See link or phone number below

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month: at 6pm the Program Staff will host a Questions and Answers session on how the 4-H Program will re-open during phase 2 and 3 of the COVID 19 restrictions.  Use the same ZOOM link.

Click here to review the  July agenda 2020

ZOOM details -Topic: July Council meeting

Time: Jul 21, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 954 3007 9709

Password: 078776

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,95430079709# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 954 3007 9709

PDF 7/17/20
4-H County Record Book contest and verification open

July 7th, 2020


The Monterey County 4-H program offers 2 ways to enhance the value of the 4-H Record Book.  Members can:


  1. Take part in the annual County 4-H Record Book contest that is open now through July 21st. See flyer


  1. Turn in their completed Record Book for a star rank verification at the 4-H program offices in Salinas by July 21st.


Due to COVID 19 the contest and verification will be offered in 2 ways:


Virtual book submission – the member fills out the online entry and uploads all of their required forms to the entry system. This can be directly from their computer. Or, the book can be scanned and uploaded. Due date is July 21st .   Enter with this online entry form:  https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=30597


Physical Book submission (the complete record book)  - the member submits their regular book to the Club Leader (or Record Book advisor) and it is submitted to the county offices by July 21st.   Enter with this online entry form:  https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=30604


Club Leaders should read the Club Submission Form carefully as this form is still required no matter how the members enter the contest.  Also, the doors to the 4-H offices are locked and the counter is closed. Each club will need to make an appointment to drop off physical books before or by July 21st.  This will need to be factored into internal club due dates.


Clubs will still provide 1 Record Book jud

PDF 7/7/20
4-H June 16th Council meeting

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be conducted by ZOOM. This will be password protected and each person will be in a waiting room before being accepted into the meeting.  If you do not show your name, you will not be let in.  Use the same ZOOM link for each of the meetings listed below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

6pm Treasurer office budget training – officers  and Officer Advisors should join this call for new information on club finances due to COVID 19

6:30 Club Outreach training by the Expansion and Review committee – Club Officers, Officer Advisors and Club leaders should join this call for clear instruction on completing 4-H Outreach for next year.

Click here to review the June meeting agenda

Click here to review the  April Council Minutes

ZOOM Topic: June Council meeting

Time: Jun 16, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 959 3383 2513

Password: 402769

One tap mobile

+16699006833, 95933832513# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 959 3383 2513

PDF 6/12/20
4- Leader's Council April 21st agenda


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The meeting will be held via a zoom call. See below.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2020-2021 budget at 6pm.  The membership is invited to give their input.   Use the same Zoom call link.

All clubs are to select their Council Committee for the 2020-2021 year based upon input from the club membership.  

Click here to review the April 2020 Council agenda

Click here to see the March meeting minutes 2020

Click here to see the March 2020 Financial Report report 

Use the link for the Zoom meeting.

Topic: Leaders Council meeting & Budget session 4/17/20

Time: Apr 21, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting with laptop:



Meeting ID: 996 4021 3858             Password: 043169

One tap mobile for cell phone:

+16699006833,,99640213858# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location with phone (no camera)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

PDF 4/17/20
4-H All Star applications open until May 1st, 2020

March 30th, 2020

Dear 4-H Community,

The County All Star leadership position is for the teen member who has earned their 4-H star ranks to the gold level. All Stars act as visible role models for their fellow 4-H members and provide support for the 4-H program’s leadership efforts.


The Body of Work that many of you enjoyed watching the past All Stars present will become an Action Plan with a focus on Service Learning.  Interested members will be able to apply using their verified 4-H star ranks or by showing documented work through a Personal Development Report (PDR) or another form that is equivalent to earning a gold star.


The County All Star Ambassador position requires an application process each year and an interview by a selection committee.  To find the application, job description or more information, please visit the county 4-H website:http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Star_Ranking/  Applications are being accepted now through May 1, 2020.


Of course, this team will need adult leadership to help the youth who apply to reach their goals.   Applicants are being sought for an All Star Co-Advisor(s).  Please review the Advisor applications and consider ways that you can give your time all year or, for a one-time special event.


To find out more about the Leadership Program within the Monterey County 4-H Youth Development Program, contact the 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.


Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

Monterey County 4-H Program Representative

PDF 4/2/20
4-H Youth Council applications open


Dear 4-H Community,


The Monterey County YOUth Council applications are now open until May 1st for the 2020-2021 year. This county-wide leadership role is for enrolled 4-H member ages 13*-19.

YOUth Council is for 4-H members who are “doers”, those who enjoy events, planning, decision making as a group and wants to become a youth “voice” for the Leaders Council.  YOUth Council members represent Monterey County 4-H by advocating for the program, promoting events, attending conferences, and helping with fundraisers.

The team plans meetings which they take an active role in deciding, planning and implementing activities, guest speakers, and topics. YOUth Council members set goals to build responsibility, learn valuable leadership and life-building skills through their YOUth Council experiences.

Youth are led by adult Advisors who help plan, guide and coach these teen leaders through their work.

For more information and the 2020-2021 application visit:


It is an open process to those ages 13 by December 31, 2020 and above. 


To find out more about the Leadership Programs within the Monterey County 4-H Youth Development Program, contact the 4-H office at 831-759-7386.


Dena Sala-Jenkinson and Joy Hedberg

Youth Council Advisors

Denajenkinson4h@gmail.com   Joy4h@yahoo.com



PDF 4/2/20
4-H Council scholarship applications open



Hello 4-H Community,

The Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council is pleased to offer a post high school scholarship to graduating 4-H members who have made the 4-H Youth Program a part of their lives through their focused work.

Criteria and qualifications include - being a current and enrolled member of 4-H, plan on studying at a college or vocational school, can provide a  4-H resume that documents their 4-H years and has held at least one of the following County level leadership positions:

  1. County All Stars
  2. County Teen Ambassadors (no longer available as of 2018-2019)
  3. Camp Counselors
  4. Youth Council member
  5. County Council Committee chairs
  6. Emerald Star recipient


This year, the Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council will award up to six (6) scholarships of $1,000 each. The Leaders Council scholarship application is now posted on the 4-H website: http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Leaders_Council/Council_Scholarship/

 It is open now through May 1st, 2020.

This is a competitive process and those members with the highest scores will receive the award. If your younger members are setting their future 4-H goals, please check out the options to hold a county level leadership position. Please share with your 4-H members who are graduating High School members.

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H Program.

PDF 3/31/20
4-H Leader's Council Meeting, March 17th, 2020 REVISED

The March 17th, 2020 Monterey County Leader's Council meeting will not place in King City at the fairgrounds.

The meeting will take place via ZOOM conference call. This is to encourage the practice of "social distancing" and reduce the potential of encountering adults and youth who may be sick.  

Please join this Council meeting as updated information will be provided about 4-H meetings, SVF eligibility, and the SVF plans.

Thank you for your patience and stay healthy! 

Lorin Hofmann-Lurz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 4-H Leader's Council March 17th meeting

Time: Mar 16, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 127 491 812

Password: 502464


One tap mobile

+16699006833,,127491812# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,127491812# US (Houston)


Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 253 215 8782 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 127 491 812

Find your local number: https://ucanr.zoom.us/u/abOrDlshbi

PDF 3/16/20
4-H Leader's Council Meeting, March 17th, 2020

Dear Members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.  However, should Monterey County government meeting requirements change due to the Corona Virus, this meeting may become a web conference call open to all Club Leaders.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, at 6:00pm, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2020-2021 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will also be reviewed for budgeting for the next year. All comments, suggestions, and additions can be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.  Or, members and volunteers can attend the review meeting.

 Click here to review the March Council Agenda

Click here to review the February Council Meeting Minutes

Click here to review Council Financial Report February 2020

PDF 3/13/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting, February 18th, 2020

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  Of special interest this month, the Youth Council will assist in running the meeting.

Click here to review the  Leader's Council February agenda 2020

Click here to review January 2020 meeting minutes

January Meeting minutes

PDF 2/14/20
4-H Camp applications open!

Dear 4-H families,

The Monterey County 4-H camp applications are now open! Known as Camp McCandless, this has been a tradition for 4-Hers for years. Dates are  June 14th -19th, 2020.   Our camp is held at the Camp Maymac location in the Santa Cruz Mountains and this 5 day summer camp is filled with 4-H fun.

We will take camper applications on a first-come-first-serve basis using an online registration. When we reach our limit of 100 campers (50 girls & 50 boys) - a wait list will be created and managed by our committee.

Families are to complete the online 40H Camp registration found here:    


A full payment of $300 is expected along with a; signed 4-H Medical Authorization form, Supplemental Health Form, Camper Contract, and Overnight Code of Conduct form within one week of completing the online application or the application will be moved to the bottom of the list. This payment is to be sent to: 4-H program, 1432 Abbott ST, Salinas, CA 93901.  Check should be made payable to Monterey 4-H Camp. Or, we can accept full payments at the UCCE office counter. (1432 Abbott St, Salinas)

This Camp Program is only partially supported by the 4-H Council and, the camp committee has to invest in the camp location upfront.  We are operating on very little funds.  Please consider helping us find company donations to offset costs.  See our donation letter on the 4-H camp page.  We encourage clubs to provide scholarship money to help campers or counselors offset their fees.

The Camp McCandless committee meets every month as listed on the Monterey County 4-H website and we invite all parents or certifi

PDF 2/3/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting, January 21st,, 2020

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest, this month – The Youth Council members will run the meeting with the support of the Executive Board.

Click here to review the meeting agenda January 21st, 2020 Council Agenda

Click here to review November 2019 meeting minutes November 2019 minutes

PDF 1/17/20
4-H Camp Adult Volunteer positions open

January 7th, 2020

Dear Monterey County 4-H volunteers,

The planning process for our Monterey County 4-H Camp McCandless 2020 is underway.  Once again, we will be setting up camp at Camp MayMac, located near Scotts Valley.  This camp features a full kitchen, swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hiking trails and cabins and much more.  This year’s dates are June 14th -19t, 2020.

ALL adult volunteers will use an online application registration to be a part of the camp committee.  Once the application period closes we will notify the adults who will be a part of the site team.  The online application link can be found here: http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=29153

Returning adult volunteers must be complete in 4honline by February 8th as the system will remove  “inactive” volunteers! This means you will need to start the 4-H adult volunteer process all over again.  The 4-H office is open to help adults by appointment.  Please call Jessica Rodriguez in the 4-H office at 831-759-7373 for phone or in person help.   The steps to re-enroll are listed on page 2 of this letter.

Our Camp Committee planning meetings usually take place on the last Mondays of the month at 6:00pm at 1432 Abbot St. This meeting is open to all enrolled 4-H members and enrolled adult volunteers as a way to share information about our camp program, the role of the teen counselor and adult volunteers.

Plus, we will have time set aside to discuss suggestions on ways to improve the quality of our local camp program and fundraising opportunities.  Our donation letter can be found on the county 4-H website under the Camp tab.

We welcome your ideas and continued support of the Monterey County 4-H summer camp. 

Thank you for

PDF 1/9/20
4-H Leaders Council meeting, November 26th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 26th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

click here November Council Agenda 2019

click here October Meeting minutes 2019

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/




PDF 11/15/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, October 15th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division St, King City, in the Pavilion room.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

 Click here to review the meeting agenda

October Council agenda 2019

The September 2019 meeting minutes will be provided at the meeting. 

PDF 10/11/19
4-H Camp Teen Counselors applications open

Hello 4-H community,

The Monterey County 4-H Camp program, Camp McCandless, will be held at Camp MayMac in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  This site features a full kitchen, swimming pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hiking trails and cabins and much more.  This year’s dates are June 14th -19st  2020.

Camp Counselors and Camp Teen Staff applications are now available on the 4-H Monterey County website and must be filled out and returned by  November 8th at 4pm at the Monterey County 4-H office, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas.   Interviews will be held Monday, November 18th beginning at 6:00 PM, 1230 Luther Way, Our Savior Lutheran Church in Salinas.

There are two opportunities for teens to apply for – Teen Counselor and Teen Camp Staff .  Please see the application, letters of recommendation and contract on the County website.  Applications are due much sooner than in years past.

In addition, the process for being accepted as a teen counselor has additional parameters included in the application process. These take place before and during the camp program year. Please review these carefully before committing.  You can find the applications at  http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Camp_McCandless_663/

In addition to teens, the Camp Committee is reaching out to increase the camp committee participation with our volunteer staff.  This need is essential and vital to ensure a sustainable adult camp team and  leadership for the future.

There are numerous ways that adults can be involved with our camp programing.  The 4-H Camp Committee will hold monthly meetings at the same time as the Teen Counselor trainings.  There is a separate room where adult planning take place to improve the quality

PDF 10/8/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, Sept 17th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Ag Conference Center, 1432  Abbott St,  CA 93960.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, an informational session on the Citizenship Washington Focus summer trip (ages 15-19) and the Leadership Washington Focus summer trip (ages 12-14) for middle school members will be held in the same location at 6pm.  All are invited to attend and meet those who want to become part of a delegation group for Monterey  and or California. See the flyer and all are welcome to attend.   Registration fundraising ideas and support will be discussed.  Click here  4-H Washington DC summer Trips flyer

Click here to review the September meeting agenda 2019

Click here to review the  August Council minutes 2019

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

PDF 9/13/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, Sept 17th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Ag Conference Center, 1432  Abbott St,  CA 93960.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, an informational session on the Citizenship Washington Focus summer trip (ages 15-19) and the Leadership Washington Focus summer trip (ages 12-14) for middle school members will be held in the same location at 6pm.  All are invited to attend and meet those who want to become part of a delegation group for Monterey  and or California. See the flyer and all are welcome to attend.   Registration fundraising ideas and support will be discussed.  Click here  4-H Washington DC summer Trips flyer

Click here to review the September meeting agenda 2019

Click here to review the  August Council minutes 2019

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

PDF 9/13/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, Sept 17th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Ag Conference Center, 1432  Abbott St,  CA 93960.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, an informational session on the Citizenship Washington Focus summer trip (ages 15-19) and the Leadership Washington Focus summer trip (ages 12-14) for middle school members will be held in the same location at 6pm.  All are invited to attend and meet those who want to become part of a delegation group for Monterey  and or California. See the flyer and all are welcome to attend.   Registration fundraising ideas and support will be discussed.  Click here  4-H Washington DC summer Trips flyer

Click here to review the September meeting agenda 2019

Click here to review the  August Council minutes 2019

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

4-H Achievement Night, September 14th, 2019

Dear 4-H Members, Parents and Adult Volunteers, 

Please join your fellow 4-H members in celebrating last year’s accomplishments, efforts, challenges and successes by attending the annual 4-H Achievement Night and County-wide Dance on Saturday, September 14th starting at 5:30pm. This will be held at the Soledad  High School multi purpose room.  Doors open at 5pm. No rsvp required.

The Achievement Night is hosted by San Benancio 4-H and the emcees will be the Youth Council members. This event is where ALL clubs are recognized and all members who have applied for their Star Rank and other county awards will receive them.  Light refreshments are served and family members are encouraged to come to cheer on their members as well as take photos.

The county-wide Dance is held right after the Achievement Night and is open to all enrolled    4-H members.  A chicken dinner, drinks, games, photo booth and DJ dance music will be provided by the King City Rural  -H club after the Achievement Night.  HOWEVER, all members must RSVP by September 6th.   A small fee of $5 is charged at the door.   The hosting club provides all adult chaperones.  No parents are needed to stay.

A club can provide a group  rsvp by using the form attached. Otherwise, individuals can use the rsvp email  kingcityrural4h@gmail.com . Please indicate how many are coming.

Parents may drop off/leave their member(s) by providing the 4-H medical release form at the door.  Chaperones will be provided for the dance. Pick up time is 9:00pm. Cloverbuds are welcome to the dance with their parent staying with them..

Attached are the Achievement Night flyers for the club membership.

Thank you,            &nbs

PDF 8/28/19
4-H Adult and Family Fair expectations 2019

Hello 4-H community,


The Monterey County Fair opens this week with a High Tides and Carnival Rides theme. The Monterey County 4-H Program supports the volunteer opportunities that builds caring, competent, safe and effective volunteers and provides a satisfying and rewarding experience for the adult volunteer that is beneficial to all 4-H members.


For the local 4-H member, there are many activities, contests, volunteer opportunities and responsibilities during this busy fair. This is also a time for both youth and adults to recognize their own limits and boundaries while at the fair. 


As an adult volunteer or parent, please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will need to role model positive conflict resolution skills for the 4-H youth members.

In addition, the prohibitive behaviors of 4-H adult volunteers, parents and youth members are set forth by the Youth Development Program (YDP)  in the code of conduct:  http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf  


 The Monterey County Fair has adopted their own code of conduct that all exhibitors are to comply with. There are rules to ensure no alcohol is consumed or stored at areas where 4-H youth are gathered in barns and show arenas.   Please be considerate to the Fair staff and a role model to the youth who are observing.


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and County Director.  If you believe you have witnessed inappropriate behavior by an adult acting in their 4-H volunteer role capacity, please be prepa

PDF 8/26/19
4-H Achievement Night, September 14th, 2019

Dear 4-H Members, Parents and Adult Volunteers, 

Please join your fellow 4-H members in celebrating last year’s accomplishments, efforts, challenges and successes by attending the annual 4-H Achievement Night and County-wide Dance on Saturday, September 14th starting at 5:30pm. This will be held at the Soledad  High School multi purpose room.  Doors open at 5pm. No rsvp required.

The Achievement Night is hosted by San Benancio 4-H and the emcees will be the Youth Council members. This event is where ALL clubs are recognized and all members who have applied for their Star Rank and other county awards will receive them.  Light refreshments are served and family members are encouraged to come to cheer on their members as well as take photos.

The county-wide Dance is held right after the Achievement Night and is open to all enrolled 4-H members.  A checking dinner, drinks, games, photo booth and DJ dance music will be provided by the King City Rural  4-H club after the Achievement Night.  HOWEVER, all members must buy an advance RSVP ticket for $5 by September 6th.   A club can provide an rsvp by using the form attached. Otherwise, Individuals can use the rsvp email  kingcityrural4h@gmail.com

Achievement Night dance flyer

Parents may drop off/leave their member(s) by providing the 4-H medical release form at the door.  Chaperones will be provided for the dance. Pick up time is 9:00pm. Cloverbuds are welcome to the dance with their parent.

Our next 4-H Council meeting is August20th at 7pm. Please check the county website calendar for additional dates, locations and times. 

PDF 8/16/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, August 20th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 20th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Host the Building at MCF is currently available for 4-H members to receive credit in their record book. For a complete list of volunteer times and shifts see the sign up link.   Your Club Leader has more information. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054ba9a62aa3fd0-4hffa1

The annual 4-H Achievement Night is September 14th at the Soledad High school multi-purpose room. To see more about the family event click here

Click here to review the August Council agenda

Click here to review July 2019 Meeting minutes

PDF 8/16/19
4-H Leaders Council meeting, July 23rd, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 23rd, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month –A Town Hall meeting consisting of Council Officers and a Community Committee will hold an informative meeting at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club should send at least one representative to gather information regarding the budget cut impact on the local 4-H program.   

Click here to review the July meeting agenda  July 2019 Agenda

Click here to review June meeting minutes  June 2019 minutes

PDF 7/19/19
July 18, 2019

Members of the 4-H Program,


Attached is the most current local information on the budget cuts affecting our 4-H program that was shared in April, 2019.  The outgoing Council officers held an emergency meeting and have discussed this proposed option of increasing enrollment fees for one year to cover the expected shortfall and avoid a staff furlough. 

This proposed plan, will be discussed prior to the July 23rd Leader’s Council meeting 

 Please plan on attending this guided discussion starting at 6pm in the large conference room.   


Based upon that discussion, a vote will be taken during the regular portion of the meeting to move forward with an enrollment increase due to the budget cuts of staff funding by the University of California Agricultural and Natural resources. 


The attached information includes the following communication:

The Leaders Council notification letter  click here

The Community Committee letter with proposed short term solution  click here

The letter from Glenda Humiston, Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources  Click here  

The Community Committee’s letter to the Council requesting an emergency meeting. (This went to all club leaders.)


Both the Town Hall meeting at 6pm and the regular Council meeting at 7pm are open to enrolled members, adult volunteers and parents/guardians. 

Questions regarding The Town hall meeting can be sent to: a.horwath@sbcglobal.n

PDF 7/18/19
4-H Leader's Council meeting June 18

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

Our Community Club Leaders will be recognized by our Incentives and Recognition Committee for their year of service. Council Officer elections will be held and the 2019-2020 Council Budget will be voted in.

Click here to review the meeting agenda June Council agenda 2019

Click here to review the April meeting minutes  April Council meeting minutes

PDF 6/14/19
4-H Youth Council Adviser application 2019-2020


April 25th, 2018


Dear 4-H Community,


Before the  County Youth Council applications open for the 2019-2020 year, we are looking for adults interested in becoming an adviser.  All are welcome to apply through an application process found on the county website or attached to this email.

The deadline will be May 31st to apply.

To find out more about the Leadership Program within the Monterey County 4-H Youth Development Program, contact the 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.


Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

Monterey County 4-H Program Representative



PDF 5/9/19
4-H Leader's Council meeting April 16th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 16h, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2019-2020 budget at 6pm.  The membership is invited to give their input.  

All clubs are to select their Council Committee for the 2019-2020 year based upon input from the club membership. See the 2019-2020 Committee Choices

Click here to review the April Council Agenda

Click here to see the March 2019 Meeting Minutes

The 2019 Fashion Revue Contest will be held Saturday  April 13th  1pm inside the Ag Conference center.  4-H Fashion Revue contest

Thank you


PDF 4/12/19
4-H Community Funding Presentation

Dear 4-H Community,


On April 10, 2019 I presented the attached document to the Monterey County 4-H Council outlining new funding expectations for the California  4-H Youth Development Program.

Due to the real and potential impacts these changes will have on our program, I want every 4-H family to have access to and be aware of what will be taking place beginning in July, 2019.

I invite all of you to engage with the 4-H team to address these challenges and continue to position the 4-H Youth Development Program as a leader of positive youth development in our communities.



Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty

Assistant Vice Provost: University of California Cooperative Extension

Director of Cooperative Extension: San Benito County

Science Literacy Youth Development Advisor: San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties

PDF 4/11/19
Communication Error

Dear 4-H Families,

You all recently received an email from me that was intended for San Benito County. Please accept my apologies and disregard this email. My 4-H On-line filter grabbed all the families in the tri-county area by mistake.

As you are aware, Monterey County specific information will be presented at 5:30pm on April 10, at the Rodeo grounds in Salinas.

Again, my apologies.



Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty

Assistant Vice Provost: University of California Cooperative Extension

Director of Cooperative Extension: San Benito County

Science Literacy Youth Development Advisor: San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties

UCCE San Benito County

3228 Southside Road

Hollister, CA 95023

831-637-5346 x 12


831-637-7111 (fax)


Office Hours of Operation:
Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm


The information contained in this message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify your representative immediately and delete this message from your computer. Thank you.



DOC 4/4/19
4-H Leaders Council Funding meeting, April 10th, 2019

4-H families and Leaders,


At the March Council meeting, it was announced the  4-H Youth Development Advisor for the tri-county area, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, would be providing a presentation on future funding for the County 4-H Program and Program staff.


Due to scheduling issues, this informative and important presentation has been moved to Wednesday, April 10th at 5:30 pm at the Salinas Rodeo grounds meeting room.  All enrolled members, volunteers, adult guardians and Leaders and encouraged to attend.


We are aware of the short notice in the change of date.  If you cannot attend, this information will be emailed to your provided email address.


Thank you,

Tim Lewis, Leader’s Council President

PDF 4/3/19
4-H County All Star Ambassador applications open

March 27, 2019


Dear 4-H Community,


Through an extensive two year review the 4-H All Star program, the California 4-H office found inconsistencies from county to county on how this  4-H Leadership Program was being implemented for enrolled teens. While the Monterey County 4-H program had already completed a volunteer directed  “overhaul” in 2013-2014, we will begin the process of accepting the required updates this year in small steps.


Many of the elements  of this youth role will remain the same.  However, the updates you will notice this year include the name update of  County All Star Ambassador.  Members will be able to apply using their verified 4-H star ranks or by showing documented work through a Personal Development Report (PDR) or another form that is the equivalent to earning a gold star. The Body of Work that many of you enjoyed watching the All Stars present will become an Action Plan and there will be additional work that will feature a focus on Service Learning.


The County All Star Ambassador position still requires an application process each year and an interview by a selection committee.  To find the application, job descriptions or, the proposed calendar, please visit the county 4-H website http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Star_Ranking/  Applications are being accepted now through May 22, 2019.


Of course, this team will need adult leadership to help the youth who apply reach their goals.   Applicants are being sought for an All Star Co-Advisor(s).  Please review the Advisor applications and consider ways that you can give your time even if it is for a one-time special event.


To find out more about the

PDF 3/27/19
4-H Summer Camp Registration opens!

Dear 4-H families,

The Monterey County 4-H camp applications are now open! Known as Camp McCandless, this has been a tradition for 4-Hers for years. Now held at the Camp MayMac location in the Santa Cruz Mountains, this 5 day summer camp is filled with 4-H fun.

We will take camper applications on a first-come-first-serve basis using a 4-H online registration. When we reach our limit of 100 campers (50 girls & 50 boys) - a wait list will be created and managed by our committee.  Campers must be enrolled and nine years old by December 31st, 2018.

Families are to complete the online registration found here: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=27060 

A full payment of $300 is expected along with a standerd signed medical release form within one week of completing the online application or the application will be moved to the bottom of the list.  The camp supplemental health form is to filled out as  well. click here 

This payment is to be sent to: 4-H program, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, CA 93901. Check should be made payable to the Monterey 4-H Camp.  Or, full payments can be taken  at the 4-H office counter between the hours of 9am – 4:30pm.

This Camp Program is only partially supported by the 4-H Council and, the camp committee has to invest in the location upfront.  We are operating on very little funds.  Please consider helping us find company donations to offset costs.  See our donation letter on the 4-H camp page.  We encourage clubs to provide scholarship money to help campers or counselors offset their fees.

The Camp McCandles

PDF 3/22/19
4-H Leader's Council High school scholarship

Hello 4-H Community,

The Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council is pleased to offer a post high school scholarship to graduating 4-H members who have made the 4-H Youth Program a part of their lives through their focused work.

Criteria and qualifications include - being a current and enrolled member of 4-H, plan on studying at a college or vocational school, can provide a  4-H resume, or equivalent, that documents their 4-H years and has held at least one of the following County level leadership positions:

  1. County All Stars
  2. County Teen Ambassadors (no longer available as of 2018-2019)
  3. Camp Counselors
  4. Youth Council member
  5. County Council Committee chairs
  6. Emerald Star recipient


Each year, Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council awards up to $4,000 in scholarship of up to $1,000 each. This year, through a decision made at a council meeting, the amount are seven $1,000 awards. The Leaders Council scholarship application is now posted on the 4-H website: It is open now through May1st, 2019.

For more information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the applications at  http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Scholarships/                   

 Please share with your 4-H members who are graduating High School members.

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H Program.


PDF 3/21/19
4-H All Star Advisors volunteers needed

Dear 4-H Community,


As we prepare to unveil the updated County All Star Ambassador job description and application,  this team will need adult leadership to help the youth who apply reach their goals.  


Applicants are being sought for an All Star  Co-Advisors(s).  Please review the Advisor applications and consider ways that you can give your time even if it is for a one-time special training or event.


To find the application or the volunteer job description  please visit the county 4-H website http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Star_Ranking/ Applications are being accepted now through June 2nd, 2019.


Training and support will be provided for those interested in an amazing youth adult partnership opportunity.  You can watch a California state staff led 4-H video about the leadership program at http://4h.ucanr.edu/Projects/Leadership/County_Ambassadors/


To find out more about the Leadership Program within the Monterey County 4-H Youth Development Program, contact the 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.

PDF 3/21/19
4-H Leader's Council March meeting March 19th, 2019

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, at 6:30pm, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2019-2020 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will also be reviewed for budgeting for the next year. All comments, suggestions and additions can be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.  Or, members and volunteers can attend the review meeting.

 Click here to review the March meeting agenda

Click here to review the February Council meeting minutes 

Click here to review the  2019-2020  Proposed Council Committees

Thank you

PDF 3/15/19
Color Me Green walk/run and Springfest, March 16th, 2019

February 22, 2019

Hello 4-H Community,

The 5th annual Color Me Green Run dye walk and run will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2019 at the Monterey County Fairgrounds.  Registration begins at 8:30am near gate 5. This 5K walk/run is open to both 4-H families and general public. Runners  and walkers are encouraged to wear white as they will be covered in green powder dye!

You are encouraged to bring friends, club officers, co-workers, team members, family members, teachers and coaches. Registration fees and sponsorships fund the 4-H Program.

Registration is now open:  See attached paper registration form and get signed up soon!


For more information Email: colormegreenmonterey@gmail.com 

Like us on facebook: Color Me Green Monterey!


Funds from this 4-H Healthy Living event will benefit leadership opportunities in the Monterey County Youth Development Program.

Also on March 16th the Monterey County fairgrounds will hold Springfest - a mini fair and family day from 10am – 2pm.

With free admission and open to the public, this action packed day begins at 10am.  Both 4-H and FFA members can “enter” their project work and animals.  A BBQ will offer great food. There is even a “cake walk”.

While the general public can take part in games, a bounce house, a farmers market and community outreach booths.

To see the flyer, the timeline and the entry guide, visit https://springfestmonterey.shutterfly.com/ 

Or, contact the Monterey County Fairgrounds at 831-372-5863

DOC 2/22/19
4-H Leader's Council February meeting February 19th, 2019

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the meeting agenda  here

Click here to review January 2019 meeting minutes  here

PDF 2/15/19
4-H Camp Director Position

Dear Monterey County 4-H families and volunteers,

With the New Year marks the beginning of our committee planning process for our annual 4-H Camp McCandless 2019.  Our first camp committee planning meeting will take place on Monday, January 28th at 6:00pm at 1230 Luther Way, Our Savior Lutheran Church in Salinas.

This year marks the need to revitalize our Camp Planning Committee with more and new(er) volunteers.  For the Burgess family, June 2019 marks the graduation of our daughter Alex. We were honored to be accepted the role of Monterey County Camp Directors for the last eight years.  However, we will “retire” from this position after the 2019  camp.  Our long time Co-director Rod Ichikawa will stay on.

The Camp Director is a volunteer position that is applied for and accepted through the 4-H office with input from the Camp Committee. The complete volunteer job description can be found on the Monterey County 4-H website.   http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

Interested adults are encouraged to apply now through March 2019. The new director(s) will assume responsibility  for the planning and implementation of the 2020 camp, and will be expected to participate in the remaining 2019 camp planning meetings, as well as attend camp, full time, in 2019.  The position could be shared by two people.

Please see the 4-H county website for more information http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Camp_McCandless_663/ 

thank you

PDF 1/25/19
4-H Leader's Council January meeting agenda

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest this month – the future of the Clover Café (Food Booth) fundraiser will be discussed and potentially voted on.  All clubs have 2 votes to cast.

For those teens who plan to attend the Youth Summit, a required delegation meeting will be held at the same location at 6pm.

Click here to review the  January 2019 agenda

Click here to review November meeting minutes 2018

PDF 1/11/19
Presentation Night March 1st, 2019

January 7th, 2019

Dear 4-H Community,

The Monterey County Presentation Night is considered one of the most important events of the year for our local 4-H members.  The planning and practicing begins now to develop 4-H public speaking skills that will last a lifetime.

Once again, the county-wide event will be held at La Gloria School in Gonzales on Friday, March 1, 2019 at 5:30 pm.  The Gonzales and Lockwood 4-H clubs will be hosting the event.

The 4-H Presentation Manual was revised in October 2016 with slight updates. This current and correct version can be found at http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/2193.pdf  This manual may be downloaded and/or printed from the California 4-H website. You will find all 10 styles of presentations that can be given along with checklists, tips, ideas and rules.

Members are strongly encouraged to relate the presentation to their current 4-H project work or 4-H activities.  All members from 5-19 years can participate in Presentation Night. The primary members ages 5- 8 will receive participation certificates only.

Members 9 years and up are judged on their presentation using the Danish System of Judging (Gold, Blue and Red seal). Everyone participating will receive comment sheets from the judges to help them improve their presentation skills.

Registration for County Presentation Night for presenters is now an online registration! 


This must be completed by February 12th, 2019. 

All clubs are to provide Adult and Junior evaluators (judges) through the online registration as well as room monitors and room runners:

4-H Youth Summit Conference Registration open

Registration for the annual 4-H Youth Summit Leadership Conferences is now open through December  3rd, 2018.

These 4-H Leadership conferences are an event for all 4-H members with middle school ages.  They will enjoy motivational speakers, participate in recreational activities, and get acquainted with 4-H youth and adults from throughout a region that stretches across the state.  In addition, sessions are put on by 4-H teens and Leaders!

There are two conferences that are close to our region:

Central Region: January 25-27, 2019, Wonder Valley Ranch, Sanger, CA

Bay Area: January 18-20, 2019, Walker Creek Ranch, Petaluma, CA.

Please register by filling out the youth information in the online registration found here: http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/Summits/.   Families must pay all registration fees upfront by the deadline.

Those interested in applying for the 4-H Leader’s Council scholarship funds should  fill out the scholarship application and return to the county 4-H offices by the deadline.

Adult Chaperones are invited! If your club has an enrolled adult volunteer who would enjoy being a part of this conference, please open the registration link and follow the instructions. Male volunteers are especially needed.  If you cannot attend but can drive members to the conference, that would be appreciated.

There will be a required delegate orientation meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 15th at 6:00pm at the County Conference room on Abbott street. (Before the County Council meeting).  Members, their parents and adult chaperones are to attend as part of the terms.

At this meeting, we will able to discuss information on appropriate behavior, transportation, chaperones, housing and more.  As a reminder, our county is to provide chaperones for a ratio of 8 to 1 to all those who att

PDF 11/28/18
Leader's Council November meeting 11/27/18

On Tuesday, November 27th , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Of particular interest this month;

There will be  an information meeting on the Citizenship Washington Focus and the Leadership Washington Focus 2019 summer trips. An rsvp is a must or the meeting will be cancelled. It begins at 6pm in the small conference room.

A full Powerpoint presentation by the Council Fundraising Committee regarding the 2018 Clover Café (aka Food Booth) will take place at 6:30pm. All club representatives who volunteered on behalf of their club are asked to return and take part in the discussion of the future of this Council fundraiser. Amounts raised from the Clover Cafe and Dippin Dots will be provided to the entire membership. 

Click here to review the November meeting agenda November 2018 agenda

\For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

PDF 11/23/18
4-H Volunteer Public Relations position

Duties of the Volunteer Program Public Relations Liaison

The 4-H offices are seeking adult volunteer(s) who have an interest in providing a county-wide newsletter for the members of the local 4-H program. This is a 2-year term. The candidate would be working directly with the 4-H office staff along with the local clubs to gather and disseminate local, state and national 4-H information that supports the membership. In addition, enhancing the visibility of the program on social media is desired.  Possible access to an office computer, printer, copier and or digital storage could be granted.

Please review the volunteer duties 4-H Volunteer Public Relations position 

For information about this volunteer position, contact the Monterey County 4-H program offices 831-759-7386.

PDF 10/30/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting Agenda October 2018

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division St, King City, in the cafeteria room.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, there will be a Service Learning opportunity for all 4-H members with building Owl Nest Boxes.  Meet at the long branch stage @ 5pm.  click here for flyer

A training for S. County clubs who want to use the Shutterfly photo and document storage site will be offered at 6pm.   click here for flyer

There will be a PowerPoint presentation about the 2018 Leadership Washington Focus delegation that traveled this summer on behalf of Monterey County.

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

Click here to review  October Leader's Council agenda 2018

Click here for September Council minutes 2018

PDF 10/12/18
4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl, October 20th, 2018

Entries are now open! 

The California State 4-H Office will be hosting the 2018 California State Livestock Quiz Bowl as part of the Grand National Livestock Exposition, Horse Show and Rodeo on October 20, 2018. This contest is open to teams from both FFA and 4-H.

Teams of 4-5 youth ages 14-19 compete in this buzz-in style quiz contest. Test your knowledge in swine, sheep, beef, goat, poultry, rabbit, dairy and small animal production, and current events in the livestock industries. 

This contest is designed to stimulate learning in a variety of livestock topics and qualifies a team to compete at the National Level in Denver, CO.

This is also an ideal field trip for any livestock project to attend to see a wide variety of animals, breeders and exhibitors.

See the attached flyer or visit http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/Livestock_Quiz_Bowl/  for more information. 


PDF 9/19/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting Agenda September 2018

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Soledad High School 425 Gabilan Dr, Soledad, CA 93960.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the meeting agenda 

Click here to review the meeting minutes

PDF 9/14/18
4-H Volunteer expectations at the Monterey County fair

Hello 4-H community,


The Monterey County Fair opens this week with a Shake your Tail Feathers  theme. The Monterey County 4-H Program supports the volunteer opportunities that builds caring, competent, safe and effective volunteers and provides a satisfying and rewarding experience for the adult volunteer that is beneficial to all 4-H members.


For the 4-H member, there are many activities, contests, volunteer opportunities and responsibilities during this busy fair. This is also a time for adults to recognize their own limits and boundaries while at the fair. 


Members and adults can both become tired, parents and volunteers can lose their patience and, even the most experienced Project Leader may need to gain “perspective” over a situation that can arise during the fair.


As an adult volunteer or parent, please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will need to role model positive conflict resolution skills for the 4-H youth members.

In addition, the prohibitive behaviors of adult volunteers and youth members is set forth by the Youth Development Program (YDP)  in the code of conduct:  http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf    The Monterey County Fair has updated their rules to ensure no alcohol is consumed or stored at areas where 4-H youth are gathered.  


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and County Director.  If you believe you have witnessed inappropriate behavior by an adult acting in their 4-H volunteer role capacity, please be prepa

PDF 8/27/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting Agenda August 2018

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Clover Café (formally Food Booth) fundraiser will hold their last planning meeting.  This will include will include cash register training & customer service training at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting. 

All youth and adults volunteering to make their club shift successful are to attend.  The club’s Clover Café representative adult who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift must attend this last meeting to get vital and helpful information.  In addition, each club is must send representatives to be actively trained in the Cash register process.

New!  We will have Clover Cafe reusable mugs and carabiners for sale at the meeting! Click here to see the latest issue of the Clover Cafe newsletter.

Host the Building at MCF is currently available for 4-H members to receive credit in their record book. For a complete list of volunteer times and shifts see the sign up link.   Your Club Leader has more information. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054ba9a62aa3fd0-4hffa

Click here to review the 4-H Leader's Council meeting Agenda July 2018

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest, this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is required to send their representatives -  shift managers and cashiers.    Volunteers would like to learn more are encouraged to attend as well.  Among others things, we will focus on food preparation and service.  You will get to eat what we will cook in the 4-H Clover Café  We will b covering food safety, service and provide confirmed shift information. This representative should be the adults who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift.  We look forward to seeing you support the Council’s largest fundraiser.

See attached Clover Café newsletter for more information Clover Cafe 

Click here to review the meeting agenda  July 2018 agenda

PDF 7/13/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting Agenda June 2018


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process. This may include both adult and youth.  Any club volunteer who plans on participating as a cashier or shift manager should be present.  Club shift assignments will occur at this meeting.

Our Community Club Leaders will be recognized by our Incentives and Recognition Committee for their year of service. Council Officer elections will be held and the 2018-2019 Council Budget will be voted in.

Click here to review the meeting agenda  June 2018 agenda

Click here to review the Council’s Budget  2018-2019 draft budget

Click here to review the April meeting minutes  April 2018 Minutes

PDF 6/15/18
4-H Leader's Council Meeting April 2018 Agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 17h, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s Council will hold an open session to review the 2018-2019 budget at 6pm.  The Monterey County Fair Food Booth at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting. ALL clubs are to send a representative.  click here to see Food Booth Under Construction flyer

All clubs are to select their Council Committee for the 2018-2019 year based upon input from the club membership.  See the attached choices. Committee Guide 2018-2019

Click here to review the Council meeting agenda April Agenda

No meeting held in March – No minutes to approve

The 2018 Fashion Revue will be held Saturday  April 28th inside the Ag Conference center.  Click here for the information  Fashion Revue Flyer 2018

PDF 4/13/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting March Agenda 2018

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, at 6pm, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2018-2019 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will also be reviewed for budgeting for the next year. All comments, suggestions and additions can be be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.  Or, members and volunteers can attend the review meeting.

 Click here to review the meeting agenda March 2018

Click here to review the February 2018 Meeting Minutes

PDF 3/16/18
Monterey Leader's Council meeting agenda 2/20/18

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planningAll club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the February meeting agenda 2018

Click here to review January meeting minutes 2018

Thank you!

PDF 2/16/18
4-H Leader's Council meeting January agenda 2018

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

For those teens who plan to attend the Youth Summit, a required delegation meeting will be held at the same location at 6pm.

Click here to review the meeting agenda  January 2018

Click here to review November 2017 meeting minutes 

PDF 1/12/18
4-H Leaders Council meeting November 11/21/17

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 21st , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.

Click here to review the November meeting agenda

Click here to review October meeting minutes

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

PDF 11/17/17
4-H Leader's Council Meeting, October 17th, 2017

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division St, King City, in the cafeteria room.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, there will be a powerpoint presentation about the 2018 Leadership Conference opportunities for teens at 6pm on Tuesday night. This includes the Citizenship Washington Focus, California Focus and Leadership Washington Focus. Families interested in traveling to these events are encouraged to attend! There will be a meeting held in Salinas on Monday night.  click here for the flyer!

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

 Click here to review the meeting agenda Leader's Council October Agenda 2017

PDF 10/13/17
4-H Leader's Council September 19th, 2017


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural Conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, a training session for Project Leaders on how to fill out a Leadership Development Report will be offered by the County Record Book committee. Contact the county offices for information.


Click here to review the September 2017 agenda

Click here to review the  August meeting minutes

PDF 9/15/17
4-H Leader's Council August 15th, 2017

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold cash registered training & planning meeting at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the Cash register training process. This representative should be the adult who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift and or cash register.

In addition, the annual club challenges help to get members excited about the Council’s biggest fundraiser during the fair. The Food booth poster contest entries are due Tuesday, August 15th at the meeting.  Click here for the   Food Booth poster challange  

The sponsor banner for the Food Booth is being planned. Please turn in all donations you have at the Council meeting.

 Click here to review the   August 2017 agenda

Click here to review the  July Meeting minutes

PDF 8/11/17
4-H Leader's Council July 2017 Agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 18, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process. This representative should be the adult who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift.

Click here to review the meeting agenda

PDF 7/14/17
4-H Leader's Council June 2017 Agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process.

Our Community Club Leaders will be recognized by our Incentives and Recognition Committee for their year of service. Council Officer elections will be held and the 20172-18 Council Budget will be voted in.

Click here to review the June Meeting Agenda

Click here to review the Council’s Budget  2017-2018

Click here to review the   April meeting minutes 2017

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H program,

PDF 6/9/17
4-H participation at Salinas Valley Fair

Hello 4-H adult volunteers and parents,


The Salinas Valley Fair is just days away and with it comes wonderful memories, challenges and successes for 4-H members. With your assistance as an adult role model our youth will be safe and supported.


This is a time when emotions can run from highs to lows, children can become tired quickly, parents and volunteers can lose their patience and even the most experienced Project Leader may need to gain “perspective” over a situation that can arise during the fair.


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and County Director.  As such, each adult volunteer agrees to a 4-H Code of Conduct every year. This can be found online at:   4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf  


For parents who are not enrolled adult volunteers, please review the 4-H program expectations found at : http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/4717.pdf


As adults, please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will role model positive conflict resolution skills for the youth members.

The Leaders’ Council is hosting a booth inside the Orradre Building to build awareness about our youth program and to invite 4-H alumni to return as volunteers in a variety of ways.  The King City Blue Ribbon Club is hosting a Pool party on May 17th for exhibitors and their families.  Please see attached flyer.


Lastly, the program’s website has free study guide resources found on our local website which can be printed or reviewed through a smartphone:

PDF 5/10/17
4-H High School Scholarships now open

Each year, Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council may award up to $4,000 in scholarships of up to $1,000 to each qualified applicant to who have demonstrated a commitment to the 4-H Program, it’s younger members and to the adult volunteers.

Consideration is given to those who participated  at county-level leadership.

Criteria and qualifications include - being a current member of 4-H, plan on studying at a college or vocational school, has participated in Community Service during their years in    4-H, participated in club and County Council sponsored events, can provide a Record Book documenting their 4-H years and has grade point level expectations.  

Each year, Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council awards up to $4,000 in scholarship of up to $1,000 each.

The Leaders Council scholarship application is now posted of the 4-H website:  http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Scholarships/.  It is open now through July 18th

Qualified 4-H candidates who apply will receive further instructions by mail.  Please share with your 4-H members who are graduating High School members.

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H Program.

PDF 5/4/17
4-H Leader's Council April 2017 Agenda


Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Leader’s council will hold an open session to review the 2017-2018 Budget at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting

All clubs are to select their Council committee for the 2017-2018 year.  See the attached choices  2017-2018 committee Guide

 Click here to review the meeting agenda  April 2017 agenda

Click here to review the March meeting minutes  March 2017

The 2017 Fashion Revue will be held Saturday  April 29th  1pm inside the Ag Conference center.

Click here for the information  fashion revue flyer

PDF 4/13/17
4-H Adult volunteer training 4/29/17

April 11,2017


There is a large number of 4-H Club Leaders who are moving on or stepping aside this June which is creating an extreme need to provide  4-H training for roles in the  Club Management structure.

These are the adult positions the support the youth leadership and the Community Club Leader. Once adults have been identified to fill those key volunteer positions, a Club Leader position is more attractive and realistic for next year. 

On Saturday, April 29th  9am-11am,there will be a one-stop training with existing volunteers to take part in a mentorship roles for sessions.  This will include sharing resources, materials, calendars and other tools.  This will be held at the Lutheran Church at 1230 Luther Way in Salinas.   (see flyer)

The following are volunteer roles are to be offered to learn about:

  • Officer Advisor
  • Treasury Parent/adult
  • New Member Greeter
  • Volunteer Enrollment Coordinator (VEC)
  • Record Book Advisor
  • Chair of committees
  • Technology volunteer
  • Administrative Support
  • Project Leader trainer

The training will open with a general overview of adult volunteer roles, a break out session with the mentors, a switch in mentors and then a return for a closing resource “share fair”. 

An RSVP is a must!  This ensures there will be enough printed materials, refreshments and interest.  Email the name(s) of the adults attending and their specific interest  in a club management  role  - lhofmannlurz@ucanr.edu or call 831-759-7386. 

Thank you,

PDF 4/11/17
4-H Leadership Postions open

Dear 4-H Community,

 The 4-H Leadership Program offers options for enrolled teens who are ready to learn and serve their 4-H community. There are also openings for adult volunteers who are would like to be part of the Leadership process as Advisors.

 The All Star is for the teen member who has earned their star ranks to the gold level. All Stars act as visible role models for their fellow 4-H members and provide support of the 4-H program’s leadership efforts.

 The County Teen Ambassador position offers a countywide leadership opportunity that has no star rank requirements to apply and a lower age criteria.  This position will foster and guide the members into providing support to the 4-H community with information about Record Books, Star Ranks and more.

 Both positions require an application process each year and an interview by a selection committee.  Both have had updates to their structure and or requirements. To find the applications, job descriptions, body of work or calendar, please visit the county 4-H website http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Star_Ranking/  Applications are being accepted now through May 10th, 2017 by 4pm.

 Of course, both these teams will need adult leadership to help the youth who apply reach their goals.   Applicants are being sought for an All Star Co-Advisor(s) and the County Teen Ambassador Co-Advisor(s).  Please review the Advisor applications and consider ways that you can give your time even if it is for a one-time special event.

 New! A County Youth Council is being formed for the 2017-2018 year. This role is for the member ages 12-19 who is a “doer” who enjoys events, planning, decision making as a group and wants to become a youth “voi

DOC 4/6/17
4-H State Leadership Conference registration is open

 4-H State Leadership Conference  July 20-23rd, 2017  Davis, Ca 

The online registration for the 2017 4-H State Leadership Conference is now open for youth ages 13-19 at http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/SLC/   Early bird registration is open through April 18th with a reduction in fees.


There have been a number of updates on how this 4-H conference is run but still offers leadership, fellowship and fun for 4-H teens!  Review the checklist before registering:  http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/259003.pdf


This year, the event will be held at U. C. Davis, July 20th – 23rd , 2017.  Interested teen delegates will need to follow all the directions on the online registration form and are to pay by credit card through the state 4-H secure website. 


Attached is the Council’s optional scholarship application that is due by May 17th, 2017 directly to the Monterey County 4-H offices.  The Council will provide funds for the All Stars, All Star Advisor (s) and up to 2 adult chaperones for our county.  Tours and the centralized transportation bus are additional fees that your family is responsible for.


Council scholarships are paid after the member attends.  Members who have applied for the scholarship will be notified of the amount they have received by June.


Just like last year, there will be a mandatory SLC orientation meeting at the county offices 7/12/17 at 5:30pm.  All delegates and chaperones are to attend for a clear understanding of the behavior expectations, opportunities and activities.


I hope that your teen member will consider this 4-H Leadership Conference as it has a long and

PDF 4/4/17
4-H Leader's Council March 2017 agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, at 6pm, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2017-2018 budget.  The Council’s committees and activities will also be reviewed for budgeting for the next year. All comments, suggestions and additions can be be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.  Or, members and volunteers can attend the review meeting.

 Click here to review the March Agenda

Click here to review the  February 2017 Meeting Minutes


PDF 3/17/17
Registration for 4-H California Focus is open

March 20, 2017 

Hello 4-H community,

 4-H California Focus is a unique citizenship educational experience for 4-H youth ages 14-19 that is held as a conference near and at the California State Capitol.  Registration is now open through April 3rd, 2017.

 The 4-H delegates will witness California’s government in action by participating in the legislative, political, and judicial processes much like a Washington DC trip. 4-H members from around the state come together at California Focus June 16-20th.  Adult chaperones take an active role in ensuring their success.

 Goals of the conference include helping 4-H members learn:

  • How the California state laws affect individuals and businesses in a county
  • The election process: register to vote, conduct a primary election, and develop a political campaign through a two party system.
  • Analyze the needs and issues of your district and enact legislation for the "governor" to sign into law.
  • Create a plan of action for your community to make an impact
  • Meet California law makers
  • Tour the State Capitol, Governor's office and 3rd District Court of Appeals
  • Participate in fun activities, tours and cultural events

This conference is designed for the 4-H youth member who is interested in understanding how to be active in a community, how to bring about positive change and how to be active in leadership.  Monterey County sent 2 delegates last year from King City Blue Ribbon who were inspired and impressed with the conference! 

 The 4-H staff can provide delegate and parent support through pre-conference planning, transportation, lodging, the

PDF 3/10/17
4-H Leader's Council February 2017 agenda

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, February 21st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning. Of special interest this month, the Tr- County Youth Development Director, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, will give a presentation on Expanding the 4-H Youth Development Program: Ensuring the Future of 4-H.  All club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the meeting  Agenda

Click here to review January 2017 meeting Minutes

PDF 2/18/17
January Leader's Council meeting, January 17th, 2017

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning. Of special interest this month, the Tri County Youth Development Director, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, will give a presentation on Expanding the 4-H Youth Development Program: Ensuring the Future of 4-H.  All club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

For those teens who plan to attend the Leadership of Regional Teens Conference, a required delegation meeting will be held at the same location at 6pm.

Click here to review the January meeting Agenda

Click here to review the November 2016 meeting minutes

Click here to read the letter written by the CWF delegates Letter to Council

Click here to see the 2017 Color Me Green Run budget


PDF 1/13/17
4-H Leader's Council November 15th agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning. Of special interest this month, the Tri County Youth Development Director, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, will give a presentation on Expanding the 4-H Youth Development Program: Ensuring the Future of 4-H.  All club youth and adult leaders should make this meeting a priority to attend.  

Click here to review the November  meeting agenda

Click here to review October meeting minutes

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

PDF 11/10/16
4-H Washington Focus and California Focus informational nights

October 14, 2016

Hello 4-H community,

There are two annual 4-H events for High School members that will be featured in during information nights

Washington Focus 2017, June 24- July 5th, is an educational conference offered at the National 4-H Center near Washington, D.C, that gives youth the opportunity to explore, develop, and refine their civic engagement skills they need in order to become outstanding leaders. Open to ages 15-19 years. (Must be 15 by time of travel.)  Click here for CWF FAQs

California Focus 2017, June 16 – 20th is a unique 4-H citizenship educational experience for youth ages 14-19 held in Sacramento.  Registrations opens in the spring. Click here for Cal Focus FAQs

Both require a delegation of members and adult chaperones to travel. Now is the time to find the members who would like to go and begin the exciting planning process.

Members and their parents can find out more by attending the information night to be held on:

  • Thursday, October 20th, Ag Conference center, Salinas @ 6:00pm
  • Tuesday, October 25th, Del Rey School, King City @ 6pm

Click here for Informational Night flyer

Fund raising opportunities to assist with the registration fees will be available for those families who are interested. These will begin immediately after the information night.

Please RSVP for the informational night by October 17th to ensure there is an adequate amount of printed materials. (If there are no RSVPs the information night will be canceled). Contact Lorin Hofmann-Lu

PDF 10/14/16
4-H Leader's Council October agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division St, King City. Click here to see October agenda

Click here to see September minutes

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will vote in the Council Bylaws.  See attachment .  All comments, suggestions and additions are to be submitted in writing to the council board for review. These comments can be sent to “4-H Leader’s Council”, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.

For all upcoming 4-H events, please review the 4-H website at http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/

 Click here to review the meeting agenda  

DOCX 10/14/16
4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl contest

October 5th, 2016

Dear 4-H Member and Leaders,

There will be a junior Livestock Exhibition show and a 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl as part of the Grand Nationals Rodeo show during two weekends in October. These shows will be held at the Cow Palace south of San Francisco.  

Please consider participating in or attending the 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl on Saturday, October 15th at 12 noon.  All information about this educational and fun contest can be found http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/Livestock_Quiz_Bowl/ .  This is a qualifier for the Western National Roundup to be held in Denver Colorado in January.

Click here to see the 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl lfyer

In addition to the 4-H activity the event also hosts a Public Speaking contest along with photography, art, agricultural mechanics and industrial arts, horticultural and horticultural contests. There will be both an ARBA sanctioned rabbit show and a CRCS rabbit show.

We are looking for 4-H adult volunteers or Project Leaders who are interested in being drivers/chaperones for the date of the livestock quiz bowl to help members attend.  Please check with the county 4-H offices if you are planning a field trip and can accommodate more members in your vehicle.

Thank you,

Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

Monterey County Program Representative


Disclaimer- the Grand National Junior Livestock show is a “jackpot”. No 4-H work is counted in participation except the 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl. 

DOCX 10/4/16
4-H Regional Teens Conference registration opens

Registration for the annual 4-H Leadership Conference of Regional Teens (LCORT) is now open through November 4th, 2016.

LCORT is an annual event for all 4-H members ages 12-14.  They willenjoy motivational speakers, participate in recreational activities, and get acquainted with 4-H youth and adults from throughout the state. In addition, all sessions are put on by 4-H All Stars including our own!

The conference takes place at Wonder Valley Ranch in Sanger, California January 27- 29th, 2017. The cost for Monterey County members is $150.00.

Please register by filling out the LCORT youth forms found on the Monterey County 4-H website and mailing in with your registration fees made payable to the Monterey County Leaders Council by the above local deadline.

Those interested in applying for the 4-H Leader’s Council scholarship funds should also fill out the scholarship application and include in the packet that is sent into the county 4-H offices.

Adult Chaperones from our county are required! If your club has an enrolled adult volunteer who would enjoy being a part of this conference, please have them review the expectations. 

There will be a required orientation meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 17th at 6:00pm at the County Conference room on Abbott street. (Before the County Council meeting).  Members, their parents and adult chaperones are to attend as part of the terms.

At this meeting, we will able to discuss information on appropriate behavior, transportation, chaperones, housing and more.  As a reminder, our county is to provide chaperones for a ratio of 7 to 1 to all those attending.

PDF 9/23/16
4-H Leader's Council September 20th agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of special interest this month, there is a training for use of the Shutterfly photo/file storage  at 6pm.  However, an RSVP is required to attend or it will be rescheduled. Contact the county offices or refer to the flyer.

 Click here to review the meeting agenda

PDF 9/15/16
4-H members at the Monterey County fair

Hello 4-H community,


The Monterey County Fair turns 80 years this week. So many 4-H families have been active at this fair and share many fond memories.


For the 4-H member, there are many activities, contests and responsibilities during this six day fair. This is also a time when emotions can run from highs to lows, children can become tired, parents and volunteers can lose their patience and even the most experienced Project Leader may need to gain “perspective” over a situation that can arise during the fair.


As an adult volunteer or parent, please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will role model positive conflict resolution skills for the youth members.

4-H adult volunteers and parents are a valued and essential part of the California  4-H Youth Development Program!  Adult volunteers can have a positive and profound impact on the life of 4-H members.


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and county director.  As such, each adult volunteer agrees to a 4-H Code of Conduct every year. This can be found online at:   http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf


For parents who are not enrolled volunteers, please review the expectations found  at : http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/172639.pdf


The Monterey County 4-H Program supports the volunteer opportunities that builds caring, competent, and effective volunteers and provides a satisfying and rewarding experience for the adult volunteer that

PDF 8/30/16
4-H Leaders Council Meeting August 16th, 2016

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold cash registered training & planning meeting at 6:00pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the Cash register process. This representative should be the adult who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift.

In addition, the annual club challenges help to get members excited about the Council’s biggest fundraiser during the fair. The Food booth poster contest entries are due Tuesday, August 16th at the meeting.  Click here for the  Club Challenge flyer . 

The sponsor banner for the Food Booth is being planned. Please turn in all donations you have at the Council meeting. Click here for the Donation letter

 Click here to review the August meeting agenda

Click here to review the July Meeting MInutes 2016


PDF 8/12/16
July Council meeting, July 19th

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, July 19, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process. This representative should be the adult who will be in charge of your club’s food booth shift.

For members who will be attending the State Leadership Conference in Humbolt, a required delegate meeting will be held at 6pm.

 Click here to review the meeting agenda

PDF 7/15/16
Leader's Council meeting, June 21st, 2016

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 21st , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process.

Our Community Club Leaders will be recognized by our Incentives and Recognition Committee for their year of service. Council Officer elections will be held for the positions of  Treasurer, 1st vice president and Secretary.

Click here to review the meeting agenda June 19th, Leader's Council Agenda

PDF 6/17/16
Leader's Council meeting, June 21st, 2016

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, June 21st , the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold a planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to be active the planning process.

Our Community Club Leaders will be recognized by our Incentives and Recognition Committee for their year of service. Council Officer elections will be held for the positions of  Treasurer, 1st vice president and Secretary.

Click here to review the meeting agenda June 19th, Leader's Council Agenda

PDF 6/17/16
Leader's Council Scholarship for Senior members

Hello 4-H Community,

The Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council is pleased to offer a post high school scholarship to graduating 4-H members who have made the 4-H Youth program a part of their lives. 

Criteria and qualifications may include - being a current member of 4-H, plan on studying at a college or vocational school, have been participating in Community Service during their years in 4-H, participated in club and County Council sponsored events, can provide a Record Book documenting their 4-H years and may have some type of grade point level expectations.  

Each year, Monterey County 4-H Leaders Council awards up to $4,000 in scholarship of up to $1,000 each.

The Leaders Council scholarship application is now posted of the 4-H website:  http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Scholarships/.  It is open now through July 19th

Qualified 4-H candidates who apply will receive further instructions by mail.  Please share with your 4-H members who are graduating High School members.

Thank you for giving your time to the 4-H Program.

PDF 6/3/16
4-H and Fairtime

Hello 4-H adult volunteers and parents,


The Salinas Valley Fair is just days away and with it comes wonderful memories, challenges and successes for 4-H members. With your assistance as a role model our youth will be safe and supported.


This is a time when emotions can run from highs to lows, children can become tired quickly, parents and volunteers can lose their patience and even the most experienced  Project Leader may need to gain “perspective” over a situation that can arise during the fair.


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and County Director.  As such, each adult volunteer agrees to a 4-H Code of Conduct every year. This can be found online at:   4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf


For parents who are not enrolled adult volunteers, please review the 4-H program expectations found  at : http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/4717.pdf


Please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will role model positive conflict resolution skills for the youth members.

The Leaders’ Council is hosting a booth inside the Orradre Building to build awareness about our youth program and to invite 4-H alumni to return as volunteers in a variety of ways.  The King City Rural Club is hosting a Pool party on May 11th for exhibitors and their families.  Please click to see the Pool Party flyer.


Lastly, the program’s website has free study guide resources found on o

DOC 5/9/16
4-H and Fairtime

Hello 4-H adult volunteers and parents,


The Salinas Valley Fair is just days away and with it comes wonderful memories, challenges and successes for 4-H members. With your assistance as a role model our youth will be safe and supported.


This is a time when emotions can run from highs to lows, children can become tired quickly, parents and volunteers can lose their patience and even the most experienced  Project Leader may need to gain “perspective” over a situation that can arise during the fair.


Serving as an adult volunteer is a privilege and at the invitation of the University of California. Volunteer participation is supervised by the county 4-H YDP staff and County Director.  As such, each adult volunteer agrees to a 4-H Code of Conduct every year. This can be found online at:   4h.ucanr.edu/files/16404.pdf


For parents who are not enrolled adult volunteers, please review the 4-H program expectations found  at : http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/4717.pdf


Please be prepared to take personal responsibility for any interpersonal conflicts that may arise, whether with members, parents, guardians, other participating adults and or adult volunteers. Your actions will role model positive conflict resolution skills for the youth members.

The Leaders’ Council is hosting a booth inside the Orradre Building to build awareness about our youth program and to invite 4-H alumni to return as volunteers in a variety of ways.  The King City Rural Club is hosting a Pool party on May 11th for exhibitors and their families.  Please see attached flyer.


Lastly, the program’s website has free study guide resources found on our local website which can be printed or reviewed through a smartphone: 4-H State Leadership Conference opens!

Hello 4-H community,  

The online registration for the 2016 4-H State Leadership Conference is now open at http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/SLC/ !  There have been a number of updates on how this 4-H conference is run but still offers leadership, fellowship and  fun for teens! 

This year, the event will be held at Humbolt State University July 28th – 31st, 2016.  Once again, the Monterey County Leaders Council will offer a scholarship to assist with registration fees for qualified members. 

Interested teen delegates will need to follow all the directions on the online registration form and are to pay by credit card through the state 4-H secure website.  Early Tours and the centralized transportation  bus are additional fees that your family is responsible for. 

Attached is the Council’s scholarship application that is due by May 25th, 2016 directly to the Monterey County 4-H offices.  The Council will provide funds for the All Stars, All Star Advisor (s) and up to 2 adult chaperones for our county. 

Council scholarships are paid after the member attends.  Members who have applied for the scholarship will be notified of the amount they have received by June.

Just like last year, there will be a mandatory SLC orientation meeting at the county offices 7/19/15 at 5:30pm.  All delegates and chaperones  are to attend. 

Note - The state also offers a scholarship on the registration website to consider.  

I hope that your teen member will consider this 4-H Leadership Conference as it has a long and rich history with our local program!




PDF 4/22/16
April Council Council Meeting, Tuesday April 19th, 2016

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, April 19st, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month:

The Council’s Monterey County Fair Food Booth fundraiser will hold its first planning meeting at 6:30pm at the same location as the Council meeting.  Each club is expected to send a representative to begin the planning process.

The Leader’s Council is looking  for adults interested in the council officer positions of Treasurer , 1st Vice President & Secretary. Nominations will be accepted at this month's meeting.

Click to review the Council  April 2016 Agenda

Click to review the  March Council meeting minutes

The 2016 Fashion Revue will be held this Saturday, April 23rd, at 1pm inside the Ag Conference center. This annual contest and event is open to all 4-H members and is a qualifier for the State Fashion Revue held at State Field Day.

Click here for the information Fashion Revue 2016

PDF 4/18/16
4-H Leadership Program applications open

Dear 4-H Community,


The County Leadership Program offers two options for teens who are ready to advance.  All Star is for the teen member who has earned their star ranks to the gold level. All Stars act as visible role models for their fellow 4-H members and provide support of the 4-H program’s educational efforts.


The County Teen Ambassador position offers a countywide leadership opportunity that has no star rank requirements to apply and a lower age criteria.  This position will foster and guide the members into providing support to the 4-H community with information about Record Books, Star Ranks and more.


Both positions require an application process each year and an interview by a selection committee.  To find the applications, job descriptions, body of work or calendar, please visit the county 4-H website http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Star_Ranking/  Applications are being accepted now through April 29th, 2016 by 4pm.


Of course, both these teams will need adult leadership to help the youth who apply reach their goals.   Applicants are being sought for an All Star Co-Advisor(s) and the County Teen Ambassador Co-Advisor(s).  Please review the Advisor applications and consider ways that you can give your time even if it is for a one-time special event.


To find out more about the Leadership Program within the Monterey County 4-H Youth Development Program, contact the 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.


Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

Monterey County 4-H Program Representative


PDF 4/1/16
March County Council meeting, Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, March 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm. The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds in King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin an open review of the 2016-2017 budget.  All comments, suggestions and additions are to be submitted in writing to the council board for review.  Comments can be sent to: 4-H Leader’s Council, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901 or faxed to 831-758-3018.

Click here  to review the meeting agenda

click here to review the February 2016 meeting minutes

PDF 3/11/16
4-H Camp applications now open!

Dear 4-H families,

The Monterey County 4-H camp program known as Camp McCandless has been a tradition for 4-Hers for years.  Applications are now open for all enrolled members June 19-24, 2016.  

Its been held at a variety of camp locations but the heart of Camp McCandless has been shared by hundreds of members and their families.

Our summer camp program is dependent on new volunteers, new opportunities and the long time commitment of our supporters.  Our location will be held at Camp Maymac in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  This is an  inside facility that still features lots of outdoor fun.

Just like last year, we will take camper applications on a first-come-first-serve basis. This includes 50 girls and 50 boys.  When we reach our limit of 100 campers - a wait list will be created and managed by our committee.

Because this Camp Program is only partially supported by the 4-H Council and, the camp committee has to invest in the location upfront, we are operating on very little funds.  At this time we will not be offering “campership” scholarships. We encourage clubs to provide scholarship money.

The Camp McCandless committee meets every 4th Monday of the month and we invite all parents or certified adult volunteers in the 4-H program to come and work towards finding long term funding, ways to recognize the adult volunteers and how to train those behind us.  Together we can continue to build a strong youth camping program and find the financial support we need.

If this is your camper’s first year, we are working with our teen counselors each month to prepare them for their role as leader. You can be assured all counselors and certified adult volunteers are reviewed, trained and guided each year before the camp opens.  The ratio is 1 teen counselors to 3 campers. We welcome your volunteer experience and efforts to help prepare our teens to be ro

PDF 3/9/16
4-H Record Book updates

February 20, 2016


Dear 4-H community,


In 4-H, young people have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book. The California 4-H Record Book Manual and some forms have been revised.


As a result, a County Record Book Team had been formed representing 11 clubs in the county. This team has met during the year to review and to be able to implement the revisions to all clubs in a timely manner.


For those members who are in clubs that are active in using the 4-H Record Book as part of the educational experience and or to earn their Star Rank, information and the updates have been posted on the Monterey County 4-H program website: http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/4-H_Record_Book/


Here is a brief overview:


?        All forms have been updated on the county website record book webpage

?        A letter with helpful information from the County Record Book Team is on the webpage

?        All Club Leaders are aware of these revisions through Council and emails

?        Plans have been made to reach out to all Project Leaders in regards to Annual Project Report forms


The Council’s Incentives and Recognition committee is now underway with a  renovation of the County Record Book “Project” judging contest held in August. The County contest checklist is also being updated to match this revised score card and the purpose of judging for the “best project” will be added.


I want to thank the Record Book Team, C

PDF 2/22/16
February Leader's Council meeting, 2/16/16

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, February 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

 A committee meeting to review the Fantastic Field Day event will take place the hour before.

Click here to review the February meeting agenda

Click here to review the January 2016 meeting minutes

All notifications from the 4-H offices come through the 4-H newsletter subscription. Log onto to subscribe http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/news_880/4-H_News_Notes/ 

PDF 2/12/16
4-H Leader's Council Meeting, January 19, 2016

Dear 4-H families,

On Tuesday, January 19th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

For those teens who plan to attend the Leadership of Regional Teens Conference, a required meeting will be held at the same location at 6pm

Click here to review the  January 2016 agenda

Click here to review  November meeting minutes

PDF 1/15/16
New Monterey County 4-H Club is now open

December 8th, 2015


Dear 4-H Families,


I’m pleased to announce that the fourteenth 4-H club in Monterey County has just received its Charter from the University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources. The Hilltown 4-H club has officially opened and will hold its club meetings on the first Monday of the month in the Salinas area.


Through the Leaders Council committee known as the Expansion and Review, both adult and youth leadership were found to open a club to serve the impacted Salinas area. Families who have been on “wait lists” in the 3 Salinas area clubs were contacted with an invitation to join this new club during the fall.


Enthusiastic members stepped forward to initiate the many steps to begin a club charter and have already built the membership from the ground up with a series of planning meetings that took place with developing bylaws, projects, meeting dates and a club name – to mention a few. As of now, Hilltown has twenty members and offers 19 projects.


Hilltown leadership includes: Travis Violini, Club President; Alyssa Hurtado, Vice President; Sarah Mikkelsen, Treasurer; and Alex Burgess as Club Secretary. Supporting Officers include Allison Austen, Reporter/Historian; Richard DeNoyer, Sergeant at Arms; and Holden Evers as Healthy Living Officer. Mrs. Rhonda Hurtado will be appointed as the Community Club Leader.


The 4-H Youth Development Program (4-H YDP) must ensure that its policies and procedures open doors and create opportunities for all youth. Affirmative action/nondiscrimination requires special effort on the part of 4-H YDP staff, expansion and review committees, adult volunteers and youth participants to achieve this goal. Making the 4-H program available to all children is an important goal we are trying to achieve through our offices, the volunteers and the

PDF 12/9/15
4-H Presentation planning season begins!

December 1, 2015

Dear 4-H Community,

The Monterey County Presentation Night is considered one of the most important events of the year for our local 4-H members.  The planning and practicing begins now to develop 4-H public speaking skills that will last a lifetime.

Once again, the county-wide event will be held at La Gloria School in Gonzales on Friday, March 4, 2016 at 6:00 pm.  Gonzales 4-H and Lockwood 4-H will be hosting the event.

The REVISED 4-H Presentation Manual may be downloaded and/or printed from the California 4-H website http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/2193.pdf.   You will find all 10 styles of presentations that can be given along with checklists, tips, ideas and rules.

Members are strongly encouraged to relate the presentation to their current 4-H project work or 4-H activities.  All members from 5-19 years can participate in Presentation Night. Members ages 5- 8 will receive participation certificates only.

Members 9 years and up are judged on their presentation using the Danish System of Judging (Gold, Blue and Red). Everyone participating will receive comment sheets from the judges to help them improve their presentation skills.

 Attached is the registration form for County Presentation Night for presenters and  a flyer about the event.  Please return to the 4-H Office by Tuesday, February 9, 2016 by 5pm.

Please encourage your 4-H member to be active in this long standing 4-H tradition of building speaking skills, overcoming challenges and being active in their 4-H work.

Click here 2016 4-H member Presentation Night registration form 

Click here 2016 Presentation Night flyer

PDF 12/1/15
4-H Leader's Council meeting November 20th, 2015

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Click here to review the  November agenda 

Click here to review   October meeting minutes

PDF 11/13/15
4-H Leadership Conference for Regional Teens now open

Hello 4-H families,

Registration for the annual 4-H Leadership Conference of Regional Teens (LCORT) is now open through December 11th, 2016.

LCORT is an annual event for all 4-H members in grades 7-9th.  They willenjoy motivational speakers, participate in recreational activities, and get acquainted with 4-H youth and adults from throughout a region that stretches from the Central Coast to the Central Sierra region. In addition, all sessions are put on by 4-H All Stars including our own!

The conference takes place at Wonder Valley Ranch in Sanger, California January 29- 31th, 2016.

Please register by filling out the LCORT youth forms found on the Monterey County 4-H website and mailing in with your registration fees made payable to the Monterey County Leaders Council by the deadline. Click here for  application cover page  LCORT Youth Application

Those interested in applying for the 4-H Leader’s Council scholarship funds should also fill out the scholarship application and include in the packet that is sent into the county4-H offices. Click here for  Council Scholarship application 2016

Adult Chaperones are required! If your club has an enrolled adult volunteer who would enjoy being a part of this conference, please have them fill out the adult registration form and mail in to the 4-H office. Male volunteers are especially needed.  If you cannot attend but can drive members to Sanger, that would be appreciated.

There will be a required orientation meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 19th at 6:00pm at the County Conference room on Abbott street. (Before the Cou

PDF 10/22/15
October 4-H Council meeting

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, October 20th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds, 625 Division St, King City.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

In addition, the Executive Board of the Leader’s Council will begin a review of the Participation Requirements and bylaws on October 18th and.  All comments, suggestions and additions are to be submitted in writing to the council board for review. These comments can be sent to “4-H Leader’s Council”, 1432 Abbott St, Salinas, 93901.

Council October meeting agenda  Click here

September Council meeting minutes click here

PDF 10/16/15
4-H Council Meeting, September 15, 2015

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, September 15th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  This is a correction to the date previously announced. The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1432 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

More donated craft items have come in from Joann’s fabrics. These items will be distributed fairly among the clubs interested in using these donated items as part of projects.

Click here to review the September Council Agenda

Click here to review the August 2015 meeting minutes

All 4-H families receive information through the 4-H newsletter system. To subscribe, visit http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/news_880/4-H_News_Notes/ 

PDF 9/12/15
4-H new Club transfers now open


Sept 9th, 2015

Dear 4-H Families, 

The UCANR Monterey County 4-H Program is experiencing growth and great interest in our Community Club program. While this is wonderful progress for our 100 year old youth development program, three of the Salinas area clubs have grown in such a way that program quality and safety are impacted.

The Monterey County Leader’s Council is aware of these obstacles and has been actively holding meetings through its Expansion and Review committee to find leadership and support to open another club to serve the impacted area.  I’m pleased to announce that this step has been completed!  Families who have been on “wait lists” in the 3 Salinas area clubs have already been contacted with an invitation to join this potential new club.

At this time, any enrolled 4-H member is invited to transfer their membership from any club into the newly forming club.  From September 9th to September 18th, enrolled members may fill out a  Monterey County 4-H Program Request for Club Transfer found on the county 4-H website and bring it to the 4-H offices at 1432 Abbott Street, Salinas. These forms are to be filled out and signed by the youth, their parent/guardian and the current Club Leader.   These forms will be taken on a first-come-first-serve basis.  (The maximum enrollment number will be 45 members for the first year.)

The potential adult volunteers to provide club leadership and the existing 4-H youth who have stepped forward to initiate the many steps to begin a club charter are now looking to build the membership from the ground up.   Once the wait list and transfer requests enrollment date passes, the member planning meetings will begin with developing  bylaws, projects, meeting dates and a club name - to mention a few.&n

DOC 9/9/15
4-H Council Meeting, August 18th, 2015

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, August 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott St. in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month – the council will held elections for the position of President and 2nd Vice President. Current candidates for President include – Tim Lewis and Rhonda Hurtado.  Vice President - Kelly Violini.  If you are interested in these council officer positions, please come to the meeting and your name will be added to the ballot from the floor. Each club will receive 2 votes towards the election.

The Council’s Fair Food Booth committee will hold it’s annual cash register training and meeting at 6pm in which 1 adult from each club adult should attend.  The committee is still accepting monetary and in-kind donations.  In addition, clubs that would like to enter their Food Booth poster should bring it completed to be judged by the All Star.  See all related contests on the attached flyer.

The teen delegates who attended the 2015 Citizenship Washington Focus will present a brief photo presentation which would make an excellent program for your monthly meeting.

More craft items have come in from Joann’s fabrics. These items will be distributed fairly among the clubs interested in using these donated items as part of projects.

To review the July meeting minutes click here

To review the agenda c

DOC 8/14/15
4-H Leader's Council elections, June 16th, 2015

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-Council,

On June 16th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold an election for the offices of President and Treasurer inside the large Conference Room at the Ag offices in Salinas at 7 pm.

The Leader’s Council has continued to make significant updates and modifications to offer the most current 4-H programming for our local children. This commitment and energy needs to continue for our 100 year old program that serves the youth in Monterey County.

The Council is looking for officer candidates who are able to envision how the council can restructure its goals, funding and work of the 4-H board.  

Those who have been a part of the program or, are currently active, know how important it is to create a sustainable plan for the council to remain alive and driving this program.    Please, consider becoming an officer or other board volunteer to be a part of these discussions, solutions, ideas and changes for the future.

Click for more information on the officer roles  flyer

Contact me at 831-676-5351or cara.brents@yahoo.com  if you would like to be a candidate for one of these council officer positions!   


Cara Brents

Monterey County Council President

DOC 5/28/15
November Council Meeting 11/18/14

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-H Leader’s Council,

On Tuesday, November 18th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold its monthly meeting at 7pm.  The location will be at the County Agricultural conference room at 1423 Abbott S.t in Salinas.

All 4-H families are invited to attend and take part in the council’s discussion and planning.  Youth reports from each club are appreciated and are completed within the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Of particular interest this month –the Council is accepting ideas, modifications and concerns with the Participation Requirements.  The window to comment closes November 19th, 2014.

 Click here to review the meeting agenda

PDF 11/14/14
4-H Washington Focus Info night

November 5, 2014

Hello 4-H community,

There are two annual 4-H events for High School members that are opening up for registration soon:

Washington Focus 2015, June 28- July 4th, is an educational conference offered at the National 4-H Center near Washington, D.C, that gives youth the opportunity to explore, develop, and refine their civic engagement skills they need in order to become outstanding leaders. Deadline to register is December 15th!  Click here for FAQ

California Focus 2015, June 19-13rd, is a unique 4-H citizenship educational experience for youth ages 14-19 held in Sacramento.  Registrations opens in March. Click here for FAQ

Both require a delegation of members and adult chaperones to travel. Now is the time to find the members who would like to go and begin the exciting planning process.

Members and their parents can find out more by attending the information night to be held on:

  • Wednesday, November 19th, Ag conference center, Salinas @ 6:30pm

Also, any 4-H alumni that has taken part in these events are encouraged to come back to voluntarily guide these members to get the most from their travel experience!

Please RSVP for the informational night by November 14th to ensure there is an adequate amount of printed materials. (If there are no RSVPs the information night will be cancelled). Contact lhofmannlurz@ucanr.edu or call 759-7386.

If you cannot attend but would still like more information, contact the County 4-H offices at 831-759-7386.

Lorin Hofmann-Lurz,

4-H Program Representative


DOCX 11/6/14
4-H Record Book Round Up, 11/3/14 @6pm

As part of the Leader’s Council’s goals to review each aspect of the local program, the 2nd meeting to discuss 4-H record Books will take place on Monday, November 3rd at 6pm at the County Agricultural conference room in Salinas.

The overall goal of these 3 sessions are to bring each club into alignment with each other for assembling, teaching and judging 4-H Record Book books.

We will also be reviewing the process and scoring of county record books.

There will be a discussion on defining criteria for the council to adopt into the Council’s Participation Requirements that is fair and equitable to all clubs as members apply for their star ranking awards.

Hosted by the Incentives and Recognition Committee and the All Star program, this meeting is open to 4-H adult volunteers, parents, Community Leaders, Teen Leaders and club officers who help with Record Books.     

Please rsvp so there is adequate meeting space and handouts for all.  Those who attend will be asked to bring their club’s record book materials. 831-759-7386.


PDF 10/28/14
Monterey County Council June agenda

Dear members of the Monterey County 4-Council,

On June 17th, the 4-H Leader’s Council will hold an election for the offices of Secretary , 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President inside the large Conference Room at the Ag offices in Salinas.

This year alone the council has made significant updates, modifications and has made a renewed commitment to our 100 year old program that serves the youth in Monterey County.

The council wants to add new officers who are able to envision how the council can restructure the goals, funding and work of the 4-H council board.  

Those who have been a part of the program or, are currently active, know how important it is to create a sustainable plan for the council to remain alive and driving this program.    Please, volunteer to be a part of these discussions, solutions, ideas and changes for the future.

Contact me at 831-676-5351 if you would like to be a candidate for one of the council officer positions!   


Cara Brents, Monterey County Council President

PDF 6/12/14
All Star and County Teen Ambassadors applications now open




 Dear 4-H Community,


 The County 4-H All Star Program is for the teen member who has earned all their star ranks to the gold level. All Stars act as visible 4-H members - role models for their fellow 4-H members, their community, their county, and their world.


 Monterey County 4-H has “redefined” the All Star program and renamed the TLAW level through a series of committee review meetings.  Both adult volunteers and youth looked for ways to update the applications, the interview process, the leadership work, the goals and even add newer elements of the California 4-H initiatives.


 The All Stars will continue to plan their own program within the established county guidelines. Their "Plan of Action" still includes planning and leading a county event, field trips, visiting clubs, participating in Council meetings, presenting the 4-H program and to other agencies.




It now encourages each All Star to work as part of a team, or independently, to bring the core 4-H program initiatives to the local membership.




The new County Teen Ambassadors (formally known as Teen Leader Award Winner) will offer a countywide leadership opportunity that has no star rank requirements to apply and join.  This leadership program will foster and guide the members into completing a record book that allows the member to become an All Star or, to simply earn a star rank.


 These youth will also have the opportunity to focus on mentoring local members using up-to-date 4-H curriculum, campaigns and information.


 Both positions require an application process each year and an interview by a selection committee.  To find the applications, job descriptions, body of work or ca

DOC 4/24/14
4-H summer Camp Applications now open

Dear 4-H parents,

The Monterey County 4-H camp program known as Camp McCandless has been a tradition for 4-Hers for years.

 Its been held at a variety of camp locations but the heart of Camp McCandless has been shared by hundreds of members and their families.

Our summer camp program is experiencing new growth as a result of new volunteers, new opportunities and the long time commitment of our supporters.  Our new location will be held at Camp Maymac in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  We will move our week long campers to an inside facility that still features lots of outdoor fun.

However, even with our growth, our camper numbers are still limited.  Just like last year, we will take camper applications on a first-come-first-serve basis.  When we reach our limit of 100 campers a wait list will be created and managed by our committee.

In addition, the step up from the previous camp locations to a more secure location comes with a price increase.  Because this Camp Program is only partially supported by the 4-H Council and, the camp committee had to invest in the new location upfront, we have depleted our financial resources and will not be offering “campership” scholarships.

The Camp McCandless committee meets every 2nd Monday of the month and we invite all parents or certified adult volunteers in the 4-H program to come and work towards making the best better!  Together we can continue to build a strong youth camping program and find the financial support we may need.

If this is your camper’s first year, we are working with our teen counselors each month to prepare them for their role as leader. You can be assured all counselors and certified adult volunteers are reviewed, trained and guided each year before the camp opens.  The ratio is 1 teen counselors to 3 campers. We welcome your volunteer experience and efforts to help prepare our tee

PDF 3/11/14
4-H All Star Program

Hello 4-H Community,

Monterey County 4-H  is ready to “redefine” the All Star program beginning with a volunteer review committee with the help from the All Star Advisor and the current All Stars.  4-H enrolled adult volunteers, parents and youth members are invited to take part in reviewing the current All Star program and look for ways to update the applications, the interview process, the leadership work, the goals and even add newer elements of the California 4-H initiatives.  Former All Stars and 4-H alumni are also strongly encouraged to take part!


See see the announcement, click here 4-H All Star announcement


Thank you,

Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

4-H Program Represetnative

DOC 2/28/14
4-H Military Job announcement

Hello 4-H community,

Please share the current opening of a 4-H Military Program Representative  position in your community.  

Thank you


PDF 2/7/14
4-H Teen Camp Counselor applications

 Hello 4-H community,

Teen Camp Counselor applications are now up on our  4-H website on the 4-H Camp McCandless tab.  Adult volunteer applications are also posted along with 4-H Camp Committee meeting dates and locations.

Please review the Camp Director’s open letter:

With the New Year comes a new 4-H Camp McCandless experience.  I’m excited to announce a new location and new dates!  4-H Camp McCandless will be held at Camp MayMac which is located near Scotts Valley and features a full kitchen, swimming pool, volleyball court, hiking trails and cabins and much more.  This year’s dates are June 22-27, 2014.

Teen camp Counselor applications are available.  Please carefully review the 4-H website to download. Or, click here  Teen Camp Counselor application.  Interviews will be held Monday, February 10th  at 6:30 PM, 1230 Luther Way, Our Savior Lutheran Church in Salinas.  Bring your application to the interview.

You do not need the 4-H Program Representative’s signature before the interview.  It will be signed during the selection process!

Our 4-H Camp Committee holds monthly meetings that are open to all 4-H adults and members. We are dedicated to offering planning meetings as a way to share suggestions on ways to improve the quality of our local camp program, find funding sources, fill volunteer positions and create leadership opportunities for the teen counselors and campers to build on the 4-H family experience.

I welcome your ideas and continued support of the Monterey County 4-H summer camp.  Please contact me or join us at a planning meeting.

Stefanie Burgess

4-H Camp McCandless Director




PDF 1/28/14
4-H Camp McCandless planning for 2014

January 10, 2014

 Dear Monterey County 4-H members and volunteers,

 With the New Year comes a new 4-H Camp McCandless experience.  The camp Directors are  excited to announce a new location and new dates!  The Camp MayMac location is near Scotts Valley and features a full kitchen, swimming pool, volleyball court, hiking trails and cabins and much more.  This year’s proposed dates are June 22-27, 2014.

 A very important Camp Committee planning meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 15th at 6:30pm inside Our Savior Lutheran Church at 1230 Luther way in Salinas. This meeting is open to all enrolled 4-H members and adult volunteers as a way to share suggestions on ways to improve the quality of our local camp program.

 Included in the meeting agenda are topics that include the new camper fees, the adult volunteer camper fees, possible funding ideas and how to broaden the adult volunteer jobs.  Please see the meeting agenda attached.  Camp Teen Counselor interviews will be held February 10th.

To see the meeting agenda, the proposed camp budget, the teen counselor meeting dates and the camp volunteer responsibilities, please see the 4-H program website http://cemonterey.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Events/Camp_McCandless/ 

Please contact the 4-H Camp Directors if you have questions or ideas about the Monterey County 4-H summer camp.

Stefanie Burgess

4-H Camp McCandless Director




Thank you,

Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

4-H program Represetnative



PDF 1/15/14
4-H Centennial Alumni search

Dear Monterey County 4-H members,

2013 is the Centennial year for the California 4-H program!  We are looking to rebuild our local alumni database to include the outstanding 4-H members that go back as far as the 1930s.

We are committed to collecting basic alumni information and old photographs to showcase at 4-H events, for displays by members and to work with in Leadership Projects.  Please share this alumni form click here with any former member or adult volunteer you may know. Ask them to follow the instructions on the form and return by U.S. mail or by email.  They will not be asked for money or donations!  The goal is to find 100 alumni. 

We really need old 4-H photos for these archives! They can be scanned and emailed  OR the photos can be taken to the 4-H county office and they will scan them - just call to make sure the Program Representative is there to help.

You can also provide information on a deceased member – fill out the form and use their names and years they were in a local club.

Collecting stories will be another feature in which current 4-H members can connect with alumni.  Make sure the person you are asking to fill out the form marks the interview box on the form. 

Lastly, we are pleased to share with you how  current 4-her’s across the state are celebrating the centennial  by using their head, heart, hands and health to create positive impacts in their communities.  You can view profiles and stories of these amazing projects on the website http://ca4hfoundation.org/

Thank you for joining our 4-H California Centennial celebration!


Lorin Hofmann-Lurz

Monterey County 4-H Program Representative



PDF 12/19/13
4-H Leadership and LCORT update

Dear 4-H Community,

There are 2 upcoming events that are open to 4-H members that will be an outstanding opportunity for an individual or a group.

On November 9th, the King City Blue Ribbon and Greenfield clubs will unite to offer a leadership field trip that includes 3 educational tours: The Elkhorn, Slough Monterey Mushrooms and Moonglow Dairy. There are no fees as it is sponsored by the 4-H Council. Please review the flyer for additional information.

The Leadership Conference of Regional Teens applications are now posted on the 4-H County website. Held January 24-26, it is open to members who are in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades.  Delegates will hear motivational speakers, participate in recreational activities, and get acquainted with other 4-H youth.  This includes 2 nights, 4 meals, snacks and lots of energetic fun. Registration fees will be assisted by the 4-H council.  Please see the Monterey County 4-H website for details and applications.

For questions or additional information on these 2 outstanding 4-H events, please contact the Interim Program Representative, Lorin Hofmann-Lurz at: lhofmannlurz@ucdavis.edu or 831-759-7386.

DOCX 10/21/13
4-H Beef announcement

Greetings 4-H and FFA leaders, advisors, and members,
The Cal Poly Beef Department wants to thank you for your support of your 4-H and FFA members and the beef program at Cal Poly! We are writing to inform you of some changes in the purchasing procedure for this year’s replacement heifer sale. 

PDF 9/23/13
September 2013 Council Agenda

Please see the attached agenda for Council. Council meeting is scheduled for 9/17/2013.

PDF 9/16/13
4-H Program Representative Position

Dear 4-H Community,

The University of California Cooperative Extension Monterey County is recruiting for a 4-H Program Representative. This full time position has excellent benefits with a compensation rate of $16.60 - $23.49/hour.  The position provides organizational leadership, oversight, development and delivery of the Monterey County 4-H youth program. To apply go to: http://jobs.ucop.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=56521 Position Closing Date: 7/31/13. EOE/AA.  Please forward and promote this opportunity among your other networks.  For questions or additional information, please contact Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty at: lschmittmcquitty@ucanr.edu or 831-637-5346 x 12.

DOCX 7/17/13
Influenza A Virus in Pigs and People Associated with Fairs and Swine Shows

Attached you will find the Influenza A Virus Update from the State 4-H Office via USDA.


DOCX 7/11/13
July 3, 2013 4-H Updates

4-H Program Representative:

The Monterey County 4-H Program Representative will be temporarily filled by Lorin Lurz.  Lorin will be available Tuesday through Friday from 8:30am – 12:30pm (except July 4 and 5 due to the holiday).  You can reach her at: 831-759-7386 or at lhofmannlurz@ucanr.edu  Please direct your 4-H club questions to Lorin.

Lorin will work in this temporary capacity until the recruitment and filling of the permanent Program Representative position is complete.  I hope to have an announcement regarding the open recruitment for this position out to everyone next week.

Thanks for being patient and understanding during this period of transition.  More as things develop.

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty

DOCX 7/3/13
June 28, 2013 Update

Project Leaders for Swine, Sheep and Goats:

Just a reminder that the small animal tagging meeting is scheduled for July 9, 2013 at 6:00 to 7:00 pm at the San Benito County Fairgrounds Board Room.

All tagging information must be back into our office by July 31, 2013 at 3:00 pm

If you have any questions, please contact Kris Regan at:  831-628-3421.

DOCX 6/28/13
June 24, 2013 Update

Lynn's Salinas Hours: All times are 9am to 4pm unless otherwise noted


3: 12 - 5pm








20: 9am - 2pm



*July CA 4-H E-Newsletter*

Welcome to the July 2013 issue of 4-H E-News. Stay updated on important dates and deadlines, funding and scholarship opportunities, program updates and stories from the field.

You may read the attached or access the PDF document at: http://www.ca4h.org/files/168084.pdf or the Word version at: http://www.ca4h.org/files/168083.docx   




DOCX 6/24/13
June 24, 2013 Updates

June 20, 2013 4-H Updates

In this Issue:

1. State Leadership Conference

2. 4-H Council Officers

3. All-Stars


5. Important Dates

State Leadership Conference: The last date to register for 4-H State Leadership Conference will by July 12.  We need male and female certified adult chaperones for this event.  Adults should register following the same process as members.  The Monterey County 4-H Council has scholarships to pay for youth and adult registration fees as well as mileage for adults acting as chaperones. To register, please follow this process:

  • Link to: http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=10875 complete application, print off a copy for the County, and then submit electronically to state 4-H office.
  • Provide the County 4-H Office with the registration copy by July 12.

4-H Council Officers: Monterey County 4-H would like to thank the following out-going County Council Officers for their leadership and service to the program.  Mary Hughes – King City Blue Ribbon, out-going President.  Christina Kaupp – Gonzales, out-going 2nd Vice President.  Brent Plemmons – Spring 4-H, out-going Treasurer.   Also please extend your congratulations to our new in-coming officers: Cara Brents – Natividad, President.  Rhonda Hurtado – Mission, 2nd Vice President.  Dana Guidotti – Mission, Treasurer.

All-Stars: Monterey County 4-H would like to recognize the following out-going All-Stars for their excellent service and enthusiasm during the 2012-2013 4-H year:  Randy Sosa – Greenfield, Heidi Morisoli &am

DOCX 6/20/13
June 18, 2013 Update

In this Issue:

1. State Leadership Conference

2. Poultry for Santa Cruz County Fair


1. State Leadership Conference: I received the following list of State Leadership Conference registrants on June 17th

  • Mejía  



  • Wilson  



  • O'Grady  



  • Violini  



  • Sosa  



  • Kennedy  




If you do not see your name, then you have not registered.  To register, please follow this process:

  • Link to: http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=10875 complete application, print off a copy and submit electronically to state 4-H office.
  • Provide county 4-H Office with the registration copy and a check made out to the “Monterey County 4-H Council”.
  • Applications and payment are due to the 4-H Office by July 12, 2013


2. Poultry at Santa Cruz County Fair

Those 4Her's interested in entering the San

DOCX 6/18/13
June 13, 2013 4-H Updates

June 4-H Council Meeting:

Attached you will the June 18th 4-H Council meeting Agenda.  The meeting will take place at the County Office in Salinas beginning at 7pm.

State 4-H Leadership Conference:

Don't forget to register for SLC at: http://www.ca4h.org/Programs/Conferences/SLC/  and provide a copy of your registration to the 4-H Office by June 17th.




DOC 6/13/13
June 11, 2013 Updates

2013 Thrive Training Announcement

DOCX 6/11/13
State Leadership Conference Registration

Registration for the 2013 4-H State Leadership at UC Davis Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28,2013 conference is now available.

All youth and chaperons must self-register on-line via the following link: http://www.ca4h.org/Programs/Conferences/SLC/ and then provide a copy of their registration to the 4-H office by July 12.  

We will then verify enrollment, payments, make transportation arrangements and ensure we have enough chaperons.

See attachment for more details.



PDF 6/5/13
May 31, 2013 Updates

Letter From Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty

DOCX 5/31/13
April 2013 Council Agenda PDF 4/12/13
March 15, 2013 DOC 3/15/13
February 2013 Council Agenda PDF 2/15/13
January 2013 Council Agenda PDF 1/11/13
4-H ONLINE Record Book Training, Tuesday night, January 15th 5:30- 7pm. (RSVP by 1/11/13)

The 21st Century is making its way to Monterey County 4-H!  There will be a free, 4-H ONLINE Record Book Training for one night only.  This will be held before the County Council meeting. 

Scott Mautte the 4-H Thrive Program Representative III from  UC Davis has agreed to come to Monterey County to put a brief ONLINE Record Book training for each 4-H club in a lively and informative presentation. 

Each club must send at least one record book representative or a tech savvy person to this training. (Adult preferred, but additional youth also welcome) The council is paying for his travel expenses.  You are encouraged to bring a laptop computer but it is not required. 

Please note - Online Record Books are not required by any club or county  - However, your club may find them to be extremely useful in gathering documentation such as volunteer hours, observation on the record book process, accurate documentation of project and club activities, a fail safe way to store documentation (has your computer crashed?) all while using the same forms you always have. 

Dinner refreshments will be provided with council business to follow at 7pm.  Your representative may want to observe the online Record Book information found at the California 4-H State website.  There are a series of recorded webinar sessions that you can sit and listen while using your computer.


Disclaimer - Scott will not offer information on "what goes where and why" in a 4-H Record Book.  He is simply the person who makes the online record book system work at the state level. &a

PDF 12/21/12
November 2012 Council Agenda PDF 11/15/12
October 2012 Council Agenda PDF 10/5/12
September 2012 Council Agenda PDF 9/14/12
Letter to the Monterey County Fair Regarding "Trailer Wars" PDF 8/24/12
August 2012 Council Agenda PDF 8/17/12
July 2012 Council Agenda DOC 7/13/12
June 2012 Council Agenda PDF 6/15/12
April 2012 Council Agenda PDF 4/14/12
March 2012 Council Agenda PDF 3/19/12
February 2012 Agenda PDF 2/17/12
February, 2012 PDF 2/1/12
Fantastic Field Day (2/4/2012)

Location:  First Baptist Church, on the corner of Blanco Rd. & San Vicente Ave. in Salinas. 

The Field Day schedule is as follows:

8:45-9:15    Registration & Sign-in (a medical release form will be provided for dropped off members to fill out)

9:15    Welcome & Orientation

9:30    Activities begin, there will be group rotations. 
The activities are:

  •  Dessert Contest 
  • Livestock Judging
  • THRIVE Presentation
  • Judging Event
  • Games
  • Etc.

12:10   Lunch

1:00     Awards 

Make a poster, bring a dessert and join the fun!
See the rules for the poster contest and the dessert contest.

PDF 1/30/12
January 2012 Agenda PDF 1/13/12
January, 2012 PDF 1/4/12
December, 2011 PDF 12/1/11
November 2011 Agenda PDF 11/10/11
November, 2011 PDF 11/1/11
October Council Agenda PDF 10/14/11
October, 2011 PDF 10/6/11
September 2011 Council Agenda DOC 9/16/11
September, 2011 PDF 9/2/11
August Council Agenda DOC 8/12/11
August, 2011 PDF 8/1/11
Gonzales 4-H Presents: County-Wide Dance!! PDF 7/26/11
July, 2011 PDF 7/5/11
June, 2011 PDF 7/1/11
May, 2011 PDF 7/1/11
April, 2011 PDF 4/1/11
March, 2011 PDF 3/1/11
February, 2011 PDF 2/2/11
December, 2010 PDF 12/7/07
November 2010 PDF 11/1/10
October, 2010 PDF 10/5/10
September, 2010 PDF 9/1/10
August, 2010 PDF 8/2/10
July, 2010 PDF 7/1/10
June, 2010 PDF 6/1/10
May, 2010 PDF 5/3/10
April, 2010 PDF 4/1/10
March, 2010 PDF 3/1/10
February, 2010 Correction: Fantastic Field Day will be held at the 4-H Office, not at Valley Center Bowl. PDF 2/2/10
January, 2010 PDF 1/4/10
December, 2009 PDF 12/2/09
November, 2009 PDF 11/3/09
October, 2009 PDF 10/1/09
September, 2009 PDF 9/2/09
August, 2009 PDF 7/31/09
July, 2009 PDF 7/1/09
June, 2009 PDF 6/1/09
May, 2009 PDF 5/1/09
April, 2009 PDF 3/31/09
March, 2009 PDF 2/27/09
February, 2009 PDF 1/30/09
January 2009 PDF 12/31/08
December, 2008 PDF 12/2/08
November 2008 PDF 10/31/08
October 2008 PDF 10/2/08
September 2008 PDF 8/28/08
August 2008 Revised News Notes, Achievement Night will be September 5th (location to be announced) PDF 8/8/08
2008 Food Booth Schedule Monterey County Fair Food Booth Schedule PDF 10/14/09
July, 2008 PDF 10/13/09
June, 2008 PDF 9/11/09
May, 2008 PDF 5/2/08
April, 2008 PDF 4/16/09
March, 2008 PDF 2/26/08
February, 2008 PDF 12/22/08
January, 2008 PDF 12/8/08